目前可投资的前五大Meme Coin预售——仅限投资者视频评论

时间:2024-09-20 编辑: 浏览:(471)

The Only Investors YouTube channel, boasting 202k subscribers, explores highly profitable crypto presales with the potential for significant returns. It focuses on uncovering the most reliable and legitimate opportunities within the crypto market, catering to investors seeking high-growth potential. Their latest offering unveils five promising presale projects with the potential to surge 100x in value at launch. LopeCoin (LOPE) LopeCoin is an emerging meme coin on the Binance Smart Chain, rapidly gaining momentum as more people become aware of it. While categorized as a meme coin, LopeCoin takes a multifaceted approach by integrating NFT gaming and AI utilities. Its NFT collection is live and offers special benefits within the LopeCoin ecosystem. A recent post on X announced that LopeCoin is positioned to be listed on the largest exchanges immediately following the presale. Since its presale launch, LopeCoin’s social media presence has grown significantly, boasting over 15,000 followers. The project has raised .3 million, with over 1,600 investors participating. According to its website, the presale will end soon, so it’s advisable to connect your wallet and purchase tokens right now. Dogeverse (DOGEVERSE) The project currently in presale that is gaining significant traction is Dogeverse, a meme coin with added utility. Dogeverse aims to go multi-chain, making it available across multiple blockchains. This blend of humor and utility is starting to bring cross-chain operability into various sectors beyond real-world token applications. Dogeverse has already raised over million, with the presale ending at a million hard cap. Once this cap is reached, the token will prepare for launch on centralized exchanges. Given the recent surge in popularity of this sector, it’s highly likely that Dogeverse will be listed on these exchanges, paving the way for potential success. The project has garnered significant online marketing coverage, highlighting its multi-bridge utility that enables the token to be used across various blockchains. Dogeverse’s roadmap, with some initiatives already underway, includes developing a website, establishing social channels, conducting a contract audit, launching the presale, building a community, and focusing on awareness and exchange listings after the presale. The tokenomics are structured with 15% allocated to presales and significant marketing funds to attract attention, which is crucial for meme coin success. Purchasing Dogeverse is simple and convenient. It can be bought using ETH, USDT, BNB, MATIC, AVAX, BASE, or SOL by connecting a wallet on the main website. . Alternatively, potential investors can visit our guide on how to buy Dogeverse tokens here. The portal is under maintenance so I had to improvise

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