
时间:2024-09-20 编辑: 浏览:(590)

Amid Bitcoin’s positive performance this year, 5 billion asset manager 伯恩斯坦has predicted that BTC will reach ,000 in 2024. Moreover, the firm notes that the leading cryptocurrency will also reach a high of 0,000 the following year, as a byproduct of a surging industry.

Following the approval of Spot Bitcoin ETFs in January, the asset has surged more than 150% this year, according to CoinMarketCap. With Ethereum receiving the same ETF approval from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) this month, Bernstein has expressed high hopes for the market.

Also Read: Mt.Gox在价值数十亿美元的比特币周围移动,导致1.30%的跌幅


来源:Watcher Guru



在周二发布的一份研究报告中,分析师Gautam Chhugani和Mahika Sapra分享了显著的预测。具体而言,他们传达了一个预测,该预测将流入这两项投资,并将在未来24个月内超过1000亿美元。


Also Read: 比特币:Michael Saylor回应以太坊ETF获批


Over the last week, Ethereum has experienced moderate gains. Specifically, it is up more than 过去7天内2%, with many expecting the launch of its ETF to drive the value higher. Conversely, Bernstein contends that the product’s arrival will certainly be good for Bitcoin.

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