
时间:2024-09-21 编辑: 浏览:(189)

Cilinix Crypto discusses Slothana reaching its all-time high but then experiencing a sudden correction, paving the way for the biggest crypto presale he invested in. First, let’s talk about Slothana. Its price recently hit an all-time high of {内容}.05, likely because of the HTX listing, making it a hot topic on DEXTools. Usually, an exchange listing causes a quick rise followed by a drop. Most of the recent excitement came from the announcement of the big exchange listing. The day after the listing, a sudden correction made $SLOTH fall to {内容}.04. Today, the price of $SLOTH has dropped by 14% and is now {内容}.03. Right now, Slothana needs more fundamental improvements. The trading volume on DEXTools is about million, with a total volume of around .94 million. This is enough for smaller exchange listings, but more significant fundamentals are needed. If there aren’t new positive developments soon, especially with the HTX listing often causing a “sell the news” effect, $SLOTH could drop below {内容}.03, possibly falling to {内容}.025. This strong support level might encourage investors to buy at {内容}.025 or {内容}.03. Even if the price falls to {内容}.025, it would still be part of a larger consolidation. With the right fundamentals, a bullish breakout and rally could happen. So, it’s not the end of the world, but preparation is key. Future listings of SLOTH might push its price to . Now, let’s move on to the presales update. In this update, we’ll talk about all the presales that Cilinix Crypto recently discussed and bought. This article will give updates on what’s happening, assess their potential, and provide a quick overview of what you need to know. Dogeverse (DOGEVERSE) Dogeverse makes history as the first meme coin to expand onto six of the hottest smart contract-enabled blockchains. By using Wormhole and Portal Bridge’s tech, it’s now on Ethereum, Solana, Base, BSC, Avalanche, and Polygon. This move gives Dogeverse a unique story and opens it up to a huge audience. Plus, it solves a big problem for meme coins – users switching networks. Since Dogeverse is on all the main meme coin markets, it benefits from whichever chain is popular. Plus, it has a staking feature that rewards holders, currently offering a 53% APY. And that’s not all – they’ve got DEX listings lined up and major CEX launches planned for later. The goal? To be the go-to meme coin hub for traders on different chains. With over million already raised, the Dogeverse presale is almost over. No wonder people are jumping in, with tokens going for just {内容}.00031 each. Potential investors can visit our guide on how to buy Dogeverse tokens here. With the meme coin market booming and Dogeverse’s big launch, it’s shaping up to be an exciting end to May for investors. To participate in the $DOGEVERSE token presale, visit thedogeverse.com. Sealana (SEAL) Sealana (SEAL) launched its ICO on May 1st and has quickly gained a lot of attention in the crypto world. Its presale has already raised over .4 million. This impressive success has caught the eye of investors, leading to a surge in $SEAL token purchases. This confirms its status as a must-have asset for traders. With the token priced at just {内容}.022, there’s a chance its value could go up after the launch. #Sealana and his $SEAL comrades have been tearing up Vegas like a tornado in a trailer park!

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