
时间:2024-09-20 编辑: 浏览:(377)

比特币的占据地位仍然超过50%. 尽管市场最近发生了变化,

比特币 [BTC] has experienced impressive price trends since the beginning of the year, and recently, 代币 (ETH) has also shown significant upward movements.

With ETH’s current trajectory and the spikes in value of various other assets, the question of whether an 其他币 season might be underway is raised.


Usually, when 代币 starts to rally, it can signal the beginning of 其他币 season. However, for the season to fully commence, other metrics also need to show significant movement.

As of now, the Altcoin Season Index on 区块链中心.net stands at 35. For the index to indicate an ‘altcoin season,’ 75% of the top 50 coins must outperform Bitcoin.

比特币占据主导地位阻碍了 altcoin季节

A decrease in 比特币 dominance can contribute to the onset of the 其他币 season as traders diversify their holdings. They invest in other cryptocurrencies, shifting the market cap away from BTC.

Currently, the cryptocurrency market capitalization is around .55 trillion, according to 货币市场. BTC dominance is over 52%, leaving altcoins with less than 50% of the market share. Within this, Ethereum holds 18.2%.

此外,BTC价格在大幅价格趋势之后往往稳定和保持稳定.这种稳定性可以促使市场参与者寻求短期收益,以销售他们的比特币并转向 altcoins.


以太坊和其他顶级的 altcoin 如何表现

Although the 比特币 season is ongoing, 代币 and several altcoins like [PEPE] and 狗狗 [WIF] have seen substantial gains recently. Analysis shows that has outperformed Bitcoin by over 1,000% in the last three months.



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根据其RSI,以太坊也在超出售区出现了强的牛牛趋势. 它交易价格约为3,890美元,低于1%的增长.


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