医疗保健公司Semler Scientific是最新的加比特币到其财政部

时间:2024-09-20 编辑: 浏览:(761)

PriceAnother company is taking the 微战略 route, and has adopted Bitcoin as a reserve treasury asset.

Semler Scientific, a technology company that services the medical industry, 今天揭示 it had purchased 581 BTC, or million including fees and expenses.



The news didn’t affect the bitcoin price. BTC 掉掉 1.3% today to ,027, after a brief jaunt to ,000 earlier today. The asset has struggled to maintain that level, even though it added 10% in value over the past two weeks. Bitcoin’s market capitalization remains over the .3 trillion mark.


Semler’s move resembles that of Microstrategy, which is touted as the 最大的故事 in corporate finance. Led by its chairman and permabull, 迈克尔·塞勒, the company has been relentlessly adding Bitcoin as its reserve treasury asset, and watching the firm’s stock surge astronomically in the process.

When Microstrategy began accumulating Bitcoin back in August 2020, MSTR traded for roughly 0. Now, the stock is valued at ,660 according to 雅虎金融.


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