
时间:2024-09-22 编辑: 浏览:(314)

索拉纳 validators will receive additional fees after a proposal 以78%通过 support on Monday. The author and supporters say it will secure the integrity of the network, but one validator says it's an incomplete solution.


“We voted no,” a spokesperson from Solana validator Orangefin Ventures told 解密.“The reason we voted no was because we want SIMD-0096 to go out with SIMD-0123 so that validators could distribute the priority fees to stakers in-protocol.”

SIMD-0123 would allow validators to easily distribute the fees collected from priority fees to those who delegated their staked SOL to them. Without passing SIMD-0123 in tandem with SIMD-0096, validators will have to manually reward stakers using methods like airdrops—adding more labor than needed, the spokesperson said.

但提案创建者陶·斯通斯(Tao Stones)声称,旧模式“与验证器激励机制不完全一致,无意中鼓励了附带交易。”

According to CoinGecko, Solana’s price has increased 2% to 9.29 over the past 24 hours in the wake of the proposal approval. In the past 24 hours, users have spent .9 million on Solana fees, according to DeFi Llama.

“This ensures that validators are appropriately incentivized to prioritize network security and efficiency, rather than being incentivized to engage in potentially detrimental side deals,” Tao Stones 在建议书中解释.


While the recently passed proposal may see an increase in security for the 第1层区块链, some have raised concerns that this will increase inflation due to 50% of fees no longer being burned.

“Not essentially stealing a deflation aspect people bought into Solana for, every user will suffer with higher inflation,” Solana forum user, FreedomFighter, 对提案说. “[It] doesn't matter how much you undermine the amounts, it still remains a fact.”

However, those who voted for the proposal seem to believe that the removal of this burn function will not “significantly impact inflation figures,” as user Denysk说. This is particularly the case as a 燃烧机制 will continue to exist for “normal” network fees, due to SIMD-0096 only applying to priority fees.

Edited by 斯泰西·埃利奥特.

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