Silver Spike Investment Corp.公布2024年第一季度财务业绩,并宣布现金股息为每股0.25美元

时间:2024-09-20 编辑: 浏览:(96)

纽约,2024年5月9日(环球新闻)-专业金融公司Silver Spike Investment Corp.(“SSIC”或“公司”)(纳斯达克股票代码:SSIC)今天宣布了截至2024年3月31日的第一季度财务业绩。



该公司董事长兼首席执行官Scott Gordon评论道:“最近有报道称,美国缉毒局(“DEA”)正在根据《受控物质法》将大麻重新归类为附表三物质,这是联邦对大麻行业监管的潜在历史性转变。尽管时间不确定,但这一转变将是大麻行业向前迈出的重要一步,并应对大麻经营者的现金流产生积极影响,因为他们将不再受《国内税收法》第280E条的约束,该条禁止对从事附表一或附表二所列受控物质贩运的企业进行扣除。基于这一消息和预期的再融资加速,我们预计2024年下半年大麻资本市场活动将增加。我们相信,在可预见的未来,我们将有能力将资本部署到具有有利风险/回报特征的新投资组合公司,因为资本需求将超过供应。”















关于Silver Spike Investment Corp.该公司是一家专业金融公司,根据1940年修订的《投资公司法》,该公司被视为业务发展公司,并被视为美国联邦所得税的受监管投资公司。该公司的投资目标是通过主要投资于向私人持有的中等市场公司提供的直接贷款,最大限度地提高股东的风险调整后股本回报,重点是大麻公司和健康和保健行业的其他公司。该公司由Silver Spike Capital,LLC管理,该公司是一家专注于大麻和替代健康产业的投资管理公司。有关更多信息,请访问。

Forward-Looking Statements Some of the statements in this communication constitute forward-looking statements because they relate to future events, future performance or financial condition of the Company or the Loan Portfolio Acquisition. The forward-looking statements may include statements as to: future operating results of the Company and distribution projections; business prospects of the Company and the prospects of its portfolio companies; and the impact of the investments that the Company expects to make. In addition, words such as “may,” “might,” “will,” “intend,” “should,” “could,” “can,” “would,” “expect,” “believe,” “estimate,” “anticipate,” “predict,” “potential,” “plan” or similar words indicate forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements include these words. The forward-looking statements contained in this communication involve risks and uncertainties. Certain factors could cause actual results and conditions to differ materially from those projected, including the uncertainties associated with (i) the timing or likelihood of the Loan Portfolio Acquisition closing; (ii) the ability to realize the anticipated benefits of the Loan Portfolio Acquisition; (iii) the percentage of Company stockholders voting in favor of the proposals submitted for their approval; (iv) the possibility that competing offers or acquisition proposals will be made; (v) the possibility that any or all of the various conditions to the consummation of the Loan Portfolio Acquisition may not be satisfied or waived; (vi) risks related to diverting management’s attention from ongoing business operations; (vii) the risk that stockholder litigation in connection with the Loan Portfolio Acquisition may result in significant costs of defense and liability; (viii) changes in the economy, financial markets and political environment, including the impacts of inflation and rising interest rates; (ix) risks associated with possible disruption in the operations of the Company or the economy generally due to terrorism, war or other geopolitical conflict (including the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine), natural disasters or global health pandemics, such as the COVID-19 pandemic; (x) future changes in laws or regulations (including the interpretation of these laws and regulations by regulatory authorities); (xi) changes in political, economic or industry conditions, the interest rate environment or conditions affecting the financial and capital markets that could result in changes to the value of the Company’s assets; (xii) elevating levels of inflation, and its impact on the Company, on its portfolio companies and on the industries in which it invests; (xiii) the Company’s plans, expectations, objectives and intentions, as a result of the Loan Portfolio Acquisition; (xiv) the future operating results and net investment income projections of the Company; (xv) the ability of Silver Spike Capital, LLC (the “Adviser”) to locate suitable investments for the Company and to monitor and administer its investments; (xvi) the ability of the Adviser or its affiliates to attract and retain highly talented professionals; (xvii) the business prospects of the Company and the prospects of its portfolio companies; (xviii) the impact of the investments that the Company expects to make; (xix) the expected financings and investments and additional leverage that the Company may seek to incur in the future; (xx) conditions in the Company’s operating areas, particularly with respect to business development companies or regulated investment companies; (xxi) the ability of CALP to obtain the necessary consents for, or otherwise identify and obtain additional loans for including in the CALP Loan Portfolio; (xxii) the regulatory requirements applicable to the transaction and any changes to the transaction necessary to comply with such requirements; (xxiii) the satisfaction or waiver of the conditions to the consummation of the transaction, and the possibility in that in connection that the closing will not occur or that it will be significantly delayed; (xxiv) the realization generally of the anticipated benefits of the Loan Portfolio Acquisition and the possibility that the Company will not realize those benefits, in part or at all; (xxv) the performance of the loans included in the CALP Loan Portfolio, and the possibility of defects or deficiencies in such loans notwithstanding the diligence performed by the Company and its advisors; (xxvi) the ability of the Company to realize cost savings and other management efficiencies in connection with the transaction as anticipated; (xxvii) the reaction of the trading markets to the transaction and the possibility that a more liquid market or more extensive analyst coverage will not develop for the Company as anticipated; (xxviii) the reaction of the financial markets to the transaction and the possibility that the Company will not be able to raise capital as anticipated; (xxix) the diversion of management’s attention from the Company’s ongoing business operations; (xxx) the risk of stockholder litigation in connection with the transaction; (xxxi) the strategic, business, economic, financial, political and governmental risks and other risk factors affecting the business of the Company and the companies in which it is invested as described in the Company’s public filings with the SEC and (xxxii) other considerations that may be disclosed from time to time in the Company’s publicly disseminated documents and filings. The Company has based the forward-looking statements included in this communication on information available to it on the date of this communication, and it assumes no obligation to update any such forward-looking statements. Although the Company undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, you are advised to consult any additional disclosures that the Company may make directly to you or through reports that the Company in the future may file with the SEC, including the Proxy Statement/Prospectus, annual reports on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and current reports on Form 8-K.




联系人投资者:Bill 212-905-4933

银蜘蛛投资公司资产负债表2024年3月31日至2023年12月31日(未经审计)公允价值资产投资:公允价值的非控制/非附属投资(摊销成本分别为53602697美元和53471317美元)54851000美元54120000美元现金和现金等价物33160294 32611635应收利息1675075 1755360递延发行成本333320-预付费用261473 39276其他资产69913 50000总资产90351075 88576271负债与贷款组合收购有关的应付交易费2712577 711264应付收入激励费1511253 1511253应付托管人468829-应付发行成本332564-应付管理费246131 257121应付资本利得激励费207507 87583应付审计费136623 123998应付管理费107075 86463应付法律费71660 84824其他应付16676 13822应付专业费11750 17233应付估价费940 5 24675应付董事费258 94760应付分配-2应付消费税-10655负债总额5832308 3023653承诺和意外开支-净资产普通股,面值0.01美元,授权100000000股,6214949股和6214941股已发行和流通股票,分别为62149 62149额外实收资本85030601 85041203可分配收益(累计亏损)(573983)449266总净资产84518767美元85552618美元每股资产净值13.60美元13.77

SILVER SPIKE INVESTMENT CORP.截至2024年3月31日的三个月的经营报表(未经审计)投资收益非控制/非附属公司投资收益利息收入2726497美元2457839费用收入33750-总投资收入2760247 2457839支出与贷款组合收购相关的交易费用2106050-管理费246131 238419资本利得激励费119924 142602审计费106625 97883管理费98456 77844保险费66279 69082法律费用58051 98760其他费用19191 19504托管人费用11850 12000董事费用5526 35944估值费1973 73065基于收入的激励费203821专业人士费用-18192总支出2840056 1087116净投资收益(损失)(79809)1370723投资实现的净收益(损失投资非控制/非附属公司投资599620 986357投资的未实现增值(折旧)净变化599620 98635.运营产生的净资产净增加(减少)519811美元2357080美元每股净投资收益(损失)-基本和稀释每股运营产生的净资产净增加(减)0.22美元基本和稀释0.08美元0.38美元加权平均出柜6214941 6214672

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