
时间:2024-09-20 编辑: 浏览:(778)

报道.美国圣弗朗西斯科州,加州,2024年5月28日 — Today, 盖亚网, a pioneering, new AI infrastructure project that aims to decentralize current AI agent softwares, announced it has raised a million Series Seed Round funding, with key strategic advisors that include Generative Ventures’s Lex Sokolin, Republic Capital’s Brian Johnson, 7RIDGE’s Shawn Ng, Kishore Bhatia, EVM Capital, Mirana Ventures, Mantle EcoFund and ByteTrade Lab.

盖亚网是一个分布式AI基础设施,旨在去中心化当前的AI代理软件,为一个新的分散的AI互动和应用铺平道路.而不是建立集中式服务器,盖亚网正在利用由个人和企业控制的分布式边缘节点网络,以基于其专有领域知识和专业知识的AI模型来托管. 在这个模型中,每个GiaNet节点都作为一个现实世界的AI双胞胎 (代理) 专家或个性,如大学教师助理,加密交易员或客户服务代理代表其创作者或运营商执行熟练的知识任务.

在这个阶段,该项目针对包括高等教育在内的各行业的突出问题, 具体来说, 解决了初级计算机科学和工程等高招生课程中教师助理短缺.

我们与GaiaNet的使命是重新定义人类和人工智能互动的方式,并使与人工智能互动的主权基础设施能够实现,GaiaNet首席执行官Matt Wright说.

GaiaNet is already blazing a path to revolutionize industries with advanced AI solutions with its first 重要伙伴关系 with the University of California, Berkeley, announced earlier this year. The initiative, facilitated by a strategic partnership between GaiaNet and UC Berkeley’s FHL Vive Center, will introduce decentralized AI TA technology into more Computer Science and STEM courses by utilizing AI inference power under a distributed Gaia Network. This partnership, which transcends mere technological advancement, aims to enhance educational accessibility and serves as a precursor for the application of decentralized AI across diverse sectors. Additionally, it aims to create a distributed network of GenAI Agents that is not in control of a centralized person or entity. By integrating GaiaNet into higher education curriculum, a practical demonstration of how decentralized AI can innovate beyond traditional boundaries is set in motion, marking a significant step towards making high-quality education more accessible and efficient.


虽然有限数据的集中服务器占据了市场中的大多数人工智能代理和应用程序的主导地位,但GiaNet的分布式网络为用户和开发人员提供了无限的机会,可以与人工智能代理合作, ByteTrade Lab首席执行官卢卡斯·卢说.

盖亚网在一个不断增长的需求中,对现有集中式大型语言模型 (LLM) 的分散替代品 (decentralized alternatives) 需求不断增加.这些模型由微软和谷歌等科技巨头控制. 虽然许多项目都专注于分散计算和数据能力,但盖亚网专注于分散像ChatGPT这样的中央AI推断服务器,并大胆挑战了统治AI生命周期的集中式行业巨头,从数据收集到模型培训和细节调整.

The launch of the testnet and software developer kit (SDK) on GaiaNet is scheduled for early Q3 2024 and product alpha testing already began in Q2 2024. Those interested in being among the first to beta test GaiaNet’s capabilities should visit 网站: and follow 其他国家 for more information.



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