
时间:2024-09-20 编辑: 浏览:(123)

Today, we’re taking a plunge into the crypto ocean to uncover the day’s top gainers. But first, let’s get the highlight of the latest crucial global market news. On Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a pivotal bill establishing a legal framework for digital currencies. This significant move comes amidst concerns from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) about potential financial risks. Supporters argue the bill will provide much-needed regulatory clarity and boost industry growth. It allows issuers to self-certify products as digital commodities, potentially sidestepping SEC scrutiny. This shift could reshape crypto, paving the way for more innovation and investment. Now, let’s look at today’s top crypto gainers. Biggest Crypto Gainers Today – Top List In today’s volatile crypto market, with a trading volume of $ 408.64B, sentiments lean heavily towards bullish territory, evident from the Fear & Greed Index’s extreme greed rating of 76. Among cryptocurrencies, 27% have seen gains, while 73% have faced losses. Biconomy leads the charge of top gainers with an 8.03% surge, enhancing DApp experiences through its multichain relayer protocol. OriginTrail follows suit with a 6.35% increase, championing AI-driven knowledge infrastructure. Meanwhile, JasmyCoin rises by 5.65%, emphasizing its IoT-blockchain fusion for data sovereignty. Similarly, ETHPoW climbs by 4.39%, upholding PoW principles amid Ethereum’s transition. 1. Biconomy (BICO) Biconomy is a multichain relayer protocol that improves the user experience of decentralized applications (DApps). The project aims to make web3 products as intuitive as web2 products. It offers an infrastructure that addresses several web3 bottlenecks. It allows users to onboard without paying gas fees and to pay gas in any ERC-20 token for transactions they make. It simplifies blockchain interactions and speeds up transaction confirmations. Using meta transactions, Biconomy can reduce gas costs by up to 40%. Biconomy’s unique relayer network solves common blockchain issues. Curve Finance, Perpetual Protocol, Decentral Games, and Sapien Network use Biconomy to provide gasless transactions, with security ensured by Quantstamp, MixBytes, Certik, and Halborn audits. Developers can integrate Biconomy easily with a software development kit. Users sign transactions with private keys, making the platform non-custodial and trustless. Proud to support @zealwallet! Out latest integration partner is an easy to use smart DeFi wallet

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