
时间:2024-09-22 编辑: 浏览:(361)





杜邦执行主席兼首席执行官Ed Breen表示:“这是一个非凡的机会,可以通过创建三家强大的、行业领先的公司来实现长期、可持续的股东价值。”。“三方分离将为股东和客户释放增量价值,也为员工创造新的机会。至关重要的是,每家公司都将有更大的灵活性来追求自己专注的增长战略,包括加强投资组合的并购。”











(1) 以杜邦分部报告为基础,仅供参考,不应被视为假设完成分离交易的未来公司独立经营业绩的指标。有关更多信息,请参阅非公认会计原则财务指标。







现任首席财务官Lori Koch被任命为首席执行官,接替Ed Breen,后者将继续担任执行主席。现任杜邦水与保护部门首席财务官Antonella Franzen被任命为首席财务官。

完成分离后,Lori Koch和Antonella Franzen将继续担任新杜邦各自的职位。额外行政领导层和董事会任命的具体情况预计将在各自离职前公布。





Centerview Partners LLC和Goldman Sachs&Co.LLC担任杜邦的财务顾问。Skadden,Arps,Slate,Meagher&Flom LLP担任法律顾问。





Cautionary Statement about Forward-looking Statements This communication contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the federal securities laws, including Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. In this context, forward-looking statements often address expected future business and financial performance and financial condition, and often contain words such as "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "believe," "seek," "see," "will," "would," "target, "outlook," "stabilization," "confident," "preliminary," "initial," and similar expressions and variations or negatives of these words. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements, including statements regarding outlook, expectations and guidance. Forward-looking statements address matters that are, to varying degrees, uncertain and subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions, many of which that are beyond DuPont's control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future results. Some of the important factors that could cause DuPont's actual results to differ materially from those projected in any such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: (i) the ability of DuPont to effect the separation transactions described above and to meet the conditions related thereto; (ii) the possibility that the separation transactions will not be completed within the anticipated time period or at all; (iii) the possibility that the separation transactions will not achieve their intended benefits; (iv) the impact of the separation transactions on DuPont's businesses and the risk that the separations may be more difficult, time-consuming or costly than expected, including the impact on DuPont's resources, systems, procedures and controls, diversion of management's attention and the impact and possible disruption of existing relationships with customers, suppliers, employees and other business counterparties; (v) the possibility of disruption, including disputes, litigation or unanticipated costs, in connection with the separation transactions; (vi) the uncertainty of the expected financial performance of DuPont or the separated companies following completion of the separation transactions; (vii) negative effects of the announcement or pendency of the separation transactions on the market price of DuPont's securities and/or on the financial performance of DuPont; (viii) the ability to achieve anticipated capital structures in connection with the separation transactions, including the future availability of credit and factors that may affect such availability; (ix) the ability to achieve anticipated credit ratings in connection with the separation transactions; (x) the ability to achieve anticipated tax treatments in connection with the separation transactions and completed and future, if any, divestitures, mergers, acquisitions and other portfolio changes and the impact of changes in relevant tax and other laws; (xi) risks and uncertainties related to the settlement agreement concerning PFAS liabilities reached June 2023 with plaintiff water utilities by Chemours, Corteva, EIDP and DuPont; (xii) risks and costs related to each of the parties respective performance under and the impact of the arrangement to share future eligible PFAS costs by and between DuPont, Corteva and Chemours, including the outcome of any pending or future litigation related to PFAS or PFOA, including personal injury claims and natural resource damages claims; the extent and cost of ongoing remediation obligations and potential future remediation obligations; changes in laws and regulations applicable to PFAS chemicals; (xiii) indemnification of certain legacy liabilities; (xiv) the failure to realize expected benefits and effectively manage and achieve anticipated synergies and operational efficiencies in connection with the separation transactions and completed and future, if any, divestitures, mergers, acquisitions, and other portfolio management, productivity and infrastructure actions; (xv) the risks and uncertainties, including increased costs and the ability to obtain raw materials and meet customer needs from, among other events, pandemics and responsive actions; (xvi) timing and recovery from demand declines in consumer-facing markets, including in China; (xvii) adverse changes in worldwide economic, political, regulatory, international trade, geopolitical, capital markets and other external conditions; and other factors beyond DuPont's control, including inflation, recession, military conflicts, natural and other disasters or weather-related events, that impact the operations of the company, its customers and/or its suppliers; (xviii) the ability to offset increases in cost of inputs, including raw materials, energy and logistics; (xix) the risks associated with demand and market conditions in the semiconductor industry and associated end markets, including from continuing or expanding trade disputes or restrictions, including on exports to China of U.S.-regulated products and technology; (xx) the risks, including ability to achieve, and costs associated with DuPont's sustainability strategy, including the actual conduct of the company's activities and results thereof, and the development, implementation, achievement or continuation of any goal, program, policy or initiative discussed or expected; (xxi) other risks to DuPont's business and operations, including the risk of impairment; (xxii) the possibility that the Company may fail to realize the anticipated benefits of the billion share repurchase program announced on February 6, 2024 and that the program may be suspended, discontinued or not completed prior to its termination on June 30, 2025; and (xxiii) other risk factors discussed in DuPont's most recent annual report and subsequent current and periodic reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Unlisted factors may present significant additional obstacles to the realization of forward-looking statements. Consequences of material differences in results as compared with those anticipated in the forward-looking statements could include, among other things, business or supply chain disruption, operational problems, financial loss, legal liability to third parties and similar risks, any of which could have a material adverse effect on DuPont's consolidated financial condition, results of operations, credit rating or liquidity. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made. DuPont assumes no obligation to publicly provide revisions or updates to any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, should circumstances change, except as otherwise required by securities and other applicable laws.








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