
时间:2024-09-20 编辑: 浏览:(655)

Sam Teoh, CFO of Vield, discusses his journey from Binance Australia to crypto-backed loan provider Vield and the opportunities and challenges in the space. He highlights Vield's commitment to transparency, security, and user education as well as upcoming products like a crypto-backed credit card. Sam stresses the importance of regulatory compliance, risk management, and blockchain technology in the future of financial services.原文:Sam Teoh is currently serving as the Chief Financial Officer at Vield – A pioneering company based in Sydney that specializes in providing innovative crypto-backed loans. He brings with him a wealth of experience and insight to the table before joining Vield he made significant strides in the cryptocurrency industry being the CEO of Binance Australia . His expertise in financial management has positioned him as a key player in the Australian Crypto space

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