
时间:2024-09-20 编辑: 浏览:(989)


And, as K33 Research senior analyst Vetle Lunde pointed out 在Twitter上, "IBIT needed only 96 days to close GBTC's huge lead."

When U.S. markets closed on Tuesday, the iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT) had 288,671 BTC compared to GBTC's 287,454. The flip happened after GBTC saw 5 million worth of outflows and IBIT saw 2 million worth of inflows on Tuesday, according to 玻璃.

At times, analysts thought IBIT would 快速地关闭这个沟 than it did. And GBTC has seen brief spikes in deposits—although it's possible traders were 使用股票来缩短比特币.

The news comes just a day after the Bitcoin fund category reaches a significant milestone, now holding a total of 一百万元BTC. The total, tracked and calculated by 资本, isn't just limited to the nine new U.S. ETFs and newly converted GBTC. It also includes ETFs in Germany, Canada, and the recently launched funds that are 现在在香港交易.


During a podcast interview in April, former Grayscale CEO Michael Sonnenshein said that the firm had expected a spike in outflows after it was converted and in direct competition with funds that 收费较低, but that it was reaching "equilibrium."

"我们知道进入这个问题,预计会有一些外流",他当时说. "GBTC是加密生态系统周围的一些破产业内的担保".


Grayscale has more recently announced that Sonnenshein will be 退出 in August, although it didn't make any mention of GBTC.

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