
时间:2024-09-21 编辑: 浏览:(266)

Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) metrics have surged throughout 2024, with transactions per second (技术服务) and total value locked (电视电视) increasing steadily over the last 6 months. However, new Layer 2s are being announced regularly, and some analysts are worried about liquidity fragmentation issues.

乙二层的累计总锁值 (TVL)

The spike in Layer 2 usage converged with catalysts such as 欧洲经济发展计划- 4844 and the launch of 爆炸. Following its launch on February 29, Blast is now the 6th largest chain by TVL. Meanwhile, the implementation of EIP-4844 led to a large 增加 in transactions per block on other L2s.


DeFi Maestro, a strategist at , took to social media and 发布, “Everyone is launching their own chain. Monitoring developments in the DeFi space pretty closely as the problem of liquidity fragmentation and user attention becomes more severe.”


This comes on the back of Aave 揭露 its vision for Aave Network, a native Layer 2 solution for Aave Protocol and its GHO stablecoin.


尽管Layer 2解决方案的使用增加,但ETH在过去30天中一直处于通货膨胀状态.目前ETH供应以每年0.51%的速度增长,这将导致年增长612,000ETH.


在目前的形式中,以太坊L2由于其高使用量而收集交易价值,同时继承ETH主网的安全性. 然而,燃烧的ETH总量仍然比在主网上发生类似活动要低得多.

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