新的加密货币今天发布、上市和预售-数字标准、Moonboots DAO、LuminAi

时间:2024-09-22 编辑: 浏览:(484)

Over the past 24 hours, market activities have pushed several markets into the search for digital assets. First, there is growing fanfare regarding approving spot ether ETFs in the US. In addition, Binance has fueled a potential Toncoin listing, which increased attention on the crypto market. In light of the ongoing frenzy, some investors are looking for new cryptocurrency releases, listings, & presales for easy entry. InsideBitcoins curates such tokens, covering their Features, utilities, and market prospects. New Cryptocurrency Releases, Listings, and Presales Today DSBC provides various tools for securely managing and expanding cryptocurrency and fiat assets in a DeFi environment spanning multiple blockchains. Moonboots DAO is quickly becoming a major participant in Web3’s venture capital market. LuminAI’s platform combines cutting-edge hardware with sophisticated AI models to serve various industry requirements. Recently, 99Bitcoins reached a notable milestone by securing over .5 million in funding, valuing each token at {内容}.00106. The White House indicates that President Biden is inclined to approve a cryptocurrency market bill should it clear Congress. 1. Digital Standard (DSB) DSBC offers a comprehensive suite of tools for managing and growing cryptocurrency and fiat assets within a secure, cross-chain DeFi environment. Notably, it provides flexibility in trading by allowing users to trade cryptocurrencies, CFDs, derivatives, futures, and stocks. Furthermore, the platform supports over 120 cryptocurrencies and 25 fiat currencies, enhancing portfolio customization. The digital wallet feature enables real-time monitoring of crypto and fiat balances on mobile devices. Additionally, it allows seamless transfers and contactless payments using NFC/MST technology similar to ApplePay, GooglePay, and SamsungPay. DSBC also includes access to crypto ATMs, enabling cash conversion to digital funds for bills and purchases. This feature enhances liquidity and savings. Moreover, the platform offers comprehensive services such as insured accounts, debit/credit cards, savings options, staking, and lending products, providing added security through insurance protection. Users can send funds globally using the DSB token, which converts to fiat currency almost instantly, with transactions settling within seconds. DSBC’s reward programs further benefit users based on their activity within the ecosystem. In addition, the DSB token operates on the Stellar blockchain with planned cross-chain functionality, facilitating seamless crypto-fiat conversions and low-cost global transfers. Regarding wallet management, DSBC allows users to create, manage, and transfer balances across portfolios. Users can send and receive money from wallet to wallet, including bank accounts and tokenized cards, in both fiat and crypto. We are excited to announce DSB has been listed on CoinGecko!https://t.co/8y0p4We1kU pic.twitter.com/OWydAk6Pfl — DSBC (@dsbcglobal) May 23, 2024 Registered merchants can be paid using wallets, tokenized cards, and bank accounts, utilizing QR codes and two-factor authentication. Additionally, the platform supports cash withdrawals and payments for goods and services using QR codes. DSBC has partnered with Digifinex and is listed on Coingecko, enhancing its visibility and credibility. Likewise, it emphasizes flexibility, security, and efficiency, making it a versatile platform for various financial needs. 2. Moonboots DAO (MBDAO) Moonboots DAO rapidly asserts itself as a prominent player in the Web3 venture capital market. It is driven by a mission of collective advancement and bolstering early-stage investments. The DAO offers several key benefits. For capital growth, Moonboots DAO utilizes all profits and revenue to repurchase $MBDAO tokens. In terms of profit distribution, it disperses profits from the DAO’s fund and investment and unstacking fees to $MBDAO stakers. Additionally, members holding a Moonboots DAO VIP, MB1, or Chappyz NFT, combined with staked $MBDAO tokens, gain direct access to high-quality early-stage investment opportunities. Recently, Moonboots DAO announced a strategic investment in Engines of Fury ($FURY), slated for imminent launch. The $FURY token will be available on major platforms such as KuCoin, Gate.io, MEXC, Bitget, HTX, and PancakeSwap. Engines of Fury boasts a robust development team, including co-founders from DeRace and Blizzard, Activision, and Ubisoft experts. The game’s alpha version will launch in July, with a full release planned for Q4 on Epic Games. Backed by notable entities like Animoca, Citizen Capital, and Metavest, it garners support from industry veterans, including EA Games co-founder Jeff Burton. Finally! We are up and running on @coingecko ! Still some work to do on displaying circ supply & mcap but every step is an important one

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