
时间:2024-09-25 编辑: 浏览:(299)

The 金砖五国 alliance is aiming to launch a new currency in the markets to take on the US dollar’s hegemony. The idea of a multipolar world is growing and developing countries are seemingly attracted towards the prospects of strengthening their native economies.

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An Indian financial expert Anil Trigunayat revealed that the proposal to launch the BRICS currency is gaining steam. He explained that the new BRICS currency will be a reliable alternative to the US dollar. “引入金砖国家货币的提议正在升温。”he said.


“If it is launched, it will allow the creation of a new and, possibly, more reliable alternative mechanism similar to the 金砖五国 Bank. I think that it may be done gradually,” he said. Read here to know how many sectors in the US will be affected if 金砖五国 ditches the dollar for trade.

In addition, Trigunayat explained that 金砖五国 is the only successful alliance that’s capable of taking on the US and the West. He revealed that more than two dozen countries are knocking on its doors to be a part of the bloc.


金砖五国 is quite a successful non-western geo-economic group, which five new members joined not long ago. Moreover, over two dozen countries are standing in the wings willing to join,” he said.

Moreover, the financial expert said that the US weaponizing the dollar is what led to 金砖五国 deciding on the formation of a new currency.“近年来,随着金融工具被武器化,全球金融架构已经失败。” Trigunayat said.

金砖五国 金砖国家货币 美元 Source: watcher.guru 共有 脸谱网 啁啾 Pinterest 领英 汤博乐 电子邮件 Previous Article Next Article

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