今日索拉纳链上最热门的加密货币——AMC、Gamestop、Kitty Coin

时间:2024-09-22 编辑: 浏览:(686)

Investors are greeted by the dramatic arrival of the altcoin season today, following the price pump of BTC. After a long decline, the Giant crypto coin traded above the k price range today. Similarly, several altcoins followed the trends of BTC by posting impressive gains in the last 24 hours. Solana and assets in the network also printed notable gains. SOL is valued at 1, about 5% higher than recorded yesterday. This article shares updates on the top trending tokens on the Solana chain. Top Trending Cryptos on Solana Chain Also on the presale project to watch is the SPONGE token. Traders who missed the Pepe price action may still have a chance with the SPONGE token. The memecoin rally is yet to spread to most cryptocurrencies in the sector, and this post shares insight into how investors can benefit from the sponge trend. 1. Gamestop (GME) The GME meme coin, built on the Solana blockchain, is a nod to the GameStop phenomenon. It embodies a spirit of defiance against entrenched financial powers and championing the resilience of ordinary investors. GME’s core tenets revolve around decentralization and democratization, ensuring equitable distribution of influence among its holders rather than being concentrated in the hands of a select few. The GameStop short squeeze in January 2021 ignited a movement empowering small investor against institutional dominance. GME symbolizes this shift, representing a collective challenge from retail investors to Wall Street giants. The recent surge in its price by 52.80% in the last 24 hours and a staggering 3,674.21% over the past week reflects its community’s unwavering enthusiasm and backing. Moreover, with a substantial circulating supply and a burgeoning market cap of 2,613,877, GME presents itself as a viable investment opportunity. Its availability on decentralized and centralized exchanges, particularly its popularity on Raydium, underscores its accessibility. The significant trading volume further highlights its market acceptance. NEW LISTING ALERT BitMart like the coin https://t.co/biPCdEwlrs — GMEonSol

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