
时间:2024-09-29 编辑: 浏览:(812)

The market has receded into price discovery, and Bitcoins have been forced to sell in the k range. The loss of momentum is also reflected in the altcoins market as top alt prices are sandwiched into mid-range. Several of the cryptos find it hard to reclaim their recent ATH values. ETH, for example, has hardly tested the k range despite the recent ETF approval. On the other hand, small-cap projects have posted three-digit percentage gains led by new projects like LFT, NOT, and other newly listed assets. DEXTools identifies several viable cryptos to watch today. Interestingly, many crypto projects show resilience against the choppy crypto market. Below is a summary of the market data of the top trending cryptos on DEXTools. Top Trending Cryptos on DEXTools Another thrilling development in the crypto market is the growing influence of new projects offering a presale of their native cryptocurrencies. An instance is the ongoing presale of the WienerAI project. The project has raised over .7 million and is inviting other investors to participate in the presale offering of its token. This article covers the presale and provides essential information about the project. 1. Unitybot (UNITYBOT) UnityBot is making waves in the cryptocurrency market with its innovative investment platform, which emphasizes fairness, transparency, and equality. As a digital asset manager, UnityBot helps users make ethical entries and exits from the cryptocurrency market. The platform aims to become a fractionalized investment tool, reshaping the financial landscape to benefit a broader range of people. Meanwhile, UnityBot (UNITYBOT) is priced at {内容}.2004, with a 24-hour trading volume of ,450.50. The token’s price has seen a remarkable increase of 91.80% in the last 24 hours and a 102.14% increase over the past seven days. This impressive performance places UnityBot ahead of the global cryptocurrency market, up 7.50%, and similar Ethereum Ecosystem cryptocurrencies, up 12.70% over the same period. Furthermore, UNITYBOT tokens can be traded on decentralized exchanges, with Uniswap V2 (Ethereum) being the most popular platform. The most active trading pair on Uniswap V2 is UNITYBOT/WETH, which has a 24-hour trading volume of ,480.83. The trading volume for UnityBot has surged by 2,390.10% in the last 24 hours, signaling a significant rise in market activity. This recent surge in price and trading volume highlights growing interest and confidence in UnityBot’s vision. As the platform continues to develop and attract more users, it is well-positioned to impact the cryptocurrency market substantially. Investors and traders should watch UnityBot as it continues to outperform the market and push toward its goals of reshaping the financial landscape. 2. Wen Token (WEN) WEN Token, a meme coin and governance token for WEN DAO, is making notable strides in the cryptocurrency market. WEN DAO, a decentralized organization, was founded by WenMint, one of the leading NFT launchpads on Ethereum. Over the past two years, WenMint has successfully launched over 200 NFT projects and built a strong community of over 50,000 NFT holders. Meanwhile, the price of WEN Token stands at {内容}.0657, with a 24-hour trading volume of ,398.83. The token has seen a price increase of 2.26% in the last 24 hours and a significant rise of 11.75% over the past seven days. This performance surpasses the global cryptocurrency market, up by 7.50%, and similar Polygon Ecosystem cryptocurrencies have shown no increase. WEN tokens are available for trading on decentralized exchanges, with Uniswap V2 (Ethereum) being the most popular platform. The most active trading pair on Uniswap V2 is WEN/WETH, with a 24-hour trading volume of ,396.39. In addition, the trading volume of WEN Token has surged by 480.90% in the last 24 hours, indicating a significant rise in market activity and growing interest among investors. Furthermore, the recent performance of WEN Token highlights its potential in the evolving Web 3 space. As WenMint continues to foster its NFT community and introduce decentralized governance through WEN DAO, the token is positioned to play a crucial role in the future of digital assets. Investors and enthusiasts should keep a close watch on WEN Token as it continues to gain traction and drive innovation in the cryptocurrency market. 3. Phantom Protocol (PHM) Phantom Protocol is making waves in cryptocurrency by integrating decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This innovative protocol aims to enhance the functionality and accessibility of DeFi applications and NFTs, providing users with more ways to engage with digital assets. At the heart of Phantom Protocol is a platform designed for issuing and fractional trading of NFTs. This feature addresses a significant challenge in the NFT market: liquidity. Phantom Protocol allows fractional ownership to make high-value digital assets more accessible to a broader audience. Furthermore, Phantom Protocol includes a cross-chain protocol that supports the creation of synthetic assets, known as assets. Users can generate these assets decentralized using mainstream cryptocurrencies or NFTs as collateral. This opens up new possibilities for asset creation and trading within the DeFi space, offering users more flexibility and investment opportunities. In addition, the protocol leverages smart contracts to ensure secure and efficient transactions and asset creation. This reliance on blockchain technology enhances security, transparency, and trust among users. Meanwhile, the price of Phantom Protocol (PHM) is {内容}.0001905, with a 24-hour trading volume of 6,836.66. However, PHM has experienced a price decline of 6.89% in the last 24 hours and a 4.85% decline over the past seven days. This underperformance is notable compared to the global cryptocurrency market, up 7.50%, and similar Ethereum Ecosystem cryptocurrencies, up 12.70% over the same period. Despite the recent price decline, trading volume for PHM has surged by 136.70% in the last 24 hours, indicating a rise in market activity. This increase in trading volume suggests growing interest and engagement with Phantom Protocol. What Might Be The Next Top Trending Crypto Early investors in the WienerAI are not just participating in a presale offering; they have a chance to enjoy the staking offer presented by the platform. According to the project’s website, WAI holders can stake their tokens for up to 347% returns on their assets. At the time of writing, over 2.7 Billion WAI tokens are stacked on the platform, and the reward for staked assets so far is valued at 1.237 Billion WAI. The WienerAI project is a blend of an artificial intelligence trading bot and a meme crypto project. With the meme culture infused into the framework of the WienerAI, it helps it attract degen investors much faster than other projects in the AI sector. Similarly, the Utility of the platform, particularly its trading bot, gives it a prospect of long-term sustainability. The project is currently offering its native token WAI on presale. Investors can purchase the token at {内容}.00071 while the offer lasts. However, the current price is valid for 17 hours from the time of writing, after which there’ll be a slight increase in the presale price.

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