
时间:2024-09-23 编辑: 浏览:(273)

现在, 皮努多已经推出了一个美国的电子商务网站, 称之为Temu. 拉斐尔·亨利克. 图片. 雷火箭. 盖蒂图片.


股票股票 reported stellar first-quarter results on Wednesday, sending its shares surging as much as 7.5%, and driving its market-cap past that of rival 阿里巴巴集团. PDD shares have more than doubled in value — up 109% — in the past year, according to LSEG data.


"We think Temu's profitability will improve faster than previously estimated due to its introduction of the half consignment model, under which logistics costs will be borne by merchants," Morningstar said in a 周四的通知.





Stiff competition


PDD on Wednesday reported that its 净收入归属普通股东 in the March quarter surged 246% to .87 billion (27.99 billion Chinese yuan) from a year earlier, beating LSEG estimate of 12.86 billion yuan by a huge margin.

Revenue from transaction services, also known as merchant fees没有 came in at .14 billion, an increase of 327% from the same period a year earlier.



Meanwhile, 阿里巴巴的净收入 attributable to ordinary shareholders in the March quarter plunged 86% to 3.3 billion yuan from a year earlier. Alibaba owns e-commerce platforms such as AliExpress, Alibaba.com, Taobao and Tmall.

现在看看 视频在2:53时间是02:53 博表示,阿里巴巴应该应对竞争 路面标志亚洲

PDD's first major push overseas came with 2022年9月的特穆whose popularity skyrocketed shortly after在2023年播出了超级碗广告. that invited customers to shop "like a billionaire."

Bargain-hungry Americans have been flocking to Temu, as it looks to continue growing rapidly in the U.S. Temu has also 积极扩展到Australia, New Zealand, France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, as well as the U.K.


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