
时间:2024-09-25 编辑: 浏览:(711)


专用的外汇云解决方案,可实现高需求场景的稳定和快速跨境连接.阿里巴巴云帮助外汇交易者在全球范围内运营安全. 点击了解更多!



Weems Chan, 美国金融交易所's Global Head of Marketing, mentioned: "We are excited to once again partner with the Duke of Edinburgh Cup 2024, and the first time in Cape Town, South Africa. For the past six years, ATFX has been a proud supporter of this wonderful event, which raises funds to help young people and children in need in different countries and has gone towards making a real difference in their lives."

"再次成为高尔夫比赛的一部分, 得到爱丁堡公爵爱德华公爵的支持,

Last weeks excellent event at the Thai Country Golf Club with 120 participants raised around £30k for children’s charities @ATFX_UK - well done to everyone involved

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  • 1 17年比特币多钱

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