记开始发货 托尼·法德尔设计的"记钱包"

时间:2024-09-29 编辑: 浏览:(827)

账本, the web3 company specializing in cryptocurrency security solutions, has started shipping its new Stax wallet, created in partnership with Tony Fadell—known for his involvement in developing the iPod.

The device aims to simplify digital asset management, including 其他金融机构 and cryptocurrencies, andfeatures a curved E Ink touchscreen, claimed to be the first of its kind, offering an always-on display while conserving battery power.

该设备是紧的,大约大小为信用卡,并拥有符合最高行业标准 (CC EAL 6+) 的安全元素.它包括USB C,蓝牙5.2,NFC等连接选项,以及支持 Qi无线充电与集成磁铁,以便轻松堆叠多个单元.

Source: Ledger

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