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Author: Dapplink Translation: Wublockchain Original: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/TOFzUSsxODyR73ayGXl_ig 1. Preface With the development of Web3 to this day and the rising market value of industry projects, more and more developers are entering this industry. So, as a Web2 developer, how can one break into this industry, and what can one do after entering? I believe this question is a common concern for most Web2 developers who want to enter Web3. Today, we will analyze this issue. After more than 10 years of development, Web3’s infrastructure has matured significantly, extending into many specialized directions. So, as a Web3 developer, what directions can one choose, and what skills are needed for these directions? 2. Specialized Directions for Developers Below, we’ll look at specialization from the development perspectives of public blockchains, wallets, exchanges, smart contracts, blockchain data processing, front-end development, and operations. ● Public Blockchain Direction ● L1 public blockchain development ● L2 public blockchain development ● AppChain Development ● Consortium Blockchain Direction (this direction is often dismissed within the Web3 community) ● Wallet Direction ● Exchange wallets ● Decentralized wallets ● Hardware wallets ● Exchange Direction ● Centralized exchanges ● Decentralized trading ● Smart Contract Development ● Staking and lending protocols ● Re-staking protocols ● Multi-staking protocols ● NFT ● xxxFi ● Blockchain Data Processing Direction ● Browser development ● Big data processing of blockchain ● Protocol Researchers ● Cryptography Researchers ● Cryptography Engineers ● Web3 Front-End Development ● Web3 Operations ● Developer Relations Engineers The above is summarized from many years of experience. While not 100% comprehensive, it covers over 90% of the field. Next, we will analyze the knowledge and skills developers need to possess to be competent in each direction. 3. Becoming a Qualified Web3 Developer The following Analysis is solely from a technical perspective, excluding factors like stress tolerance and personal character. Qualified Public Blockchain Developer ● Project Perspective: In the long term, public blockchain developers must be familiar with the design schemes and source codes of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Cosmos projects. Depending on the era, developers need to be acquainted with the hot projects of that time, such as the currently popular Solana, various Layer2 technologies, data availability layers, and L3 AppChains. ● Public Blockchain Tool Perspective: Public blockchain developers also need to be familiar with various tools that support the public blockchain ecosystem, including the design and development of browsers, bridges, and key management mechanisms. ● Protocol and Algorithm Perspective: P2P network protocols, mainstream cryptographic algorithms, and mainstream consensus algorithms. ● Programming Languages: C/C++, Go, Rust, Solidity, and Node.js. Qualified Wallet Developer ● Project Perspective: Familiar with the block scanning, transaction rollback, and offline signing logic of wallets for the top 100 public blockchains; cross-chain from L1 to L2 and L2 to L1. ● Protocol and Algorithm Perspective: BIP wallet protocol suite, mainstream cryptographic algorithms. ● Programming Languages: C/C++, Go, Rust, Java, Python, Solidity, Move, etc. Qualified Exchange Developer ● Project Perspective: Familiar with the design and development of business systems for centralized exchange spot and futures contracts, matching engines, market making strategies, rebate on order flow, and quantitative strategies. Understand the underlying principles and codes of decentralized exchanges like Uniswap, DYDX; in the decentralized exchange sector, proficiency in smart contract development languages and smart contract audits is essential. ● Programming Languages: C/C++, Go, Rust, Java, Python, Solidity, Move, etc. Qualified Smart Contract Developer ● Project Perspective: Familiar with the principles and source codes of mainstream decentralized exchanges such as Uniswap, DYDX, Sushiswap, and 1inch. Understand the principles and source codes of projects like Compound, Cure, and LSD projects such as Lido. Also, familiar with re-staking protocol Eigenlayer and multi-staking protocol LinkLayer. ● Programming Languages: Proficient in Solidity, Move, Node.js, and other programming languages. Blockchain Data Processing Direction ● Project Perspective: Familiar with block scanning and transaction processing logic for the top 20 public blockchains, understand the internal transaction parsing methods of EVM chains, and possess experience in designing high-concurrency programs and processing big data. ● Programming Languages: C/C++, Go, Rust, Java, Python, Solidity, Move, etc. Cryptography Direction ● Algorithms: Public key cryptography, PKI systems, one-way hash functions, digital certificates and signatures, MPC, ZKP, homomorphic encryption, quantum cryptography, etc. Below are some common cryptographic algorithms used in blockchain: ● ECDSA ● Secp256k1 ● Secp256r1 ● EDDSA ● Ed25519 ● HASH ● MD Series ● SHA Series ● Blake Series ● Poseidon ● BLS ● MPC ● ZKP ● Kzg ● Groth16 ● Sonic ● Fractal ● Halo2 ● SuperSonic ● Marlin ● Plonk ● Programming Languages: C/C++, Rust, Go, Python, Node.js, Solidity. Web3 Front-End Development Direction ● Project Perspective: Familiar with the business development processes for decentralized wallets, exchanges, staking and lending protocols, and public blockchain support tools. ● Smart Contracts: Knowledgeable in the development, deployment, and upgrade processes of contract code; familiar with commonly used contract audit tools. ● Programming Languages: Proficient in Node.js, React, React Native, Vue, and Uni-App. Follow us Twitter: https://twitter.com/WuBlockchain Telegram: https://t.me/wublockchainenglish china crypto news china news Source: wublock.substack.com 共有Facebook推特Pinterest LinkedIn汤博乐电子邮件 上一篇文章移动赚取:StepN成功的原因。StepN可持续吗?方向是什么下一篇文章SmartyTrade福利和赠品 相关帖子整合BTC,与Pendle和MakerDAO合作Ethena能成为新一代合成美元吗?五月082024-9937视图什么是基于汇总,以及它如何继承以太坊的活力?2024年5月7日-5597次浏览4月采矿新闻:比特币减半效应出现,符文繁荣消退,安哥拉-巴拉圭采矿禁令,由Bitdeer赞助2024年6月6日-6313次浏览亚洲每周TOP10加密货币新闻(4月29日至5月5日)2024年05月5日-2645次浏览每周项目更新:LayerZero启动西比尔狩猎行动,Eigenlayer推出第一季空投,收购镜像等2024年4月4日-1104次浏览去中心化通信基础设施的全面概述:SendingNetwork 2024年04月30日-8173次浏览 中新网分析:近几个月L1基础设施赛道发生了哪些变化?中国新闻2024年4月29日-9201次浏览亚洲每周十大加密货币新闻(4月22日至4月28日)中国新闻20244月28日电2247次浏览每周项目更新:币安在Launchpool上推出Renzo,EOS推出新代币,$SAFE开始流通等中国新闻20247年4月27日-5142次浏览WuBlockchain周刊:SEC预计将拒绝以太坊现货ETF,ConsenSys起诉SEC,CZ审判即将到来,TOP10新闻中国新闻202426日-2569次浏览Parcl内部:前所未有地交易房地产?中国新闻2024年4月25日-3517浏览量OKX Web3链上反钓鱼安全交易指南中国新闻2024年4月24日-1713浏览量

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