
时间:2024-09-21 编辑: 浏览:(90)


美国航空公司 关注您最喜欢的股票创建免费帐户 新的iPhone 15 Pro在2023年9月12日在加利福尼亚州库珀蒂诺的果公园的史蒂夫乔布斯剧院举行的果活动中展示. 贾斯·萨利文.

plans to open its first store in Malaysia next month, the company said Wednesday, underscoring a bigger push into the Asia region beyond China.



The move to open a store in Malaysia continues a push by Apple to expand Asian sales outside of China, where 果最近一直在扎 amid rising competition from local players, 特别是华为.

Last year, 果在印度开设了第一家商店, a key 对于iPhone的制造中心, and a market that the Cupertino giant hopes will be a big sales driver in the future.



In most of Southeast Asia, Apple is battling against Chinese firms like and Oppo, as well as its biggest rival Samsung.

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