
时间:2024-10-01 编辑: 浏览:(868)

The Slothana price jumped 32% in the past 24 hours to trade for {内容}.04621 as of 06:18 a.m. EST on trading volume that surged 20%. Other Solana meme coins, including WIF, BONK, and BOME, are also rallying, according to CoinGecko, with the market capitalization of SOL meme coins soaring 13.6% to more than billion. Among the biggest gainers is Jeo Boden (BODEN) and Doland Tremp (TREMP), amid escalating hype over US Elections. The surge in the Slothana price comes as the SLOTH token attracts interest from multiple trading platforms. $SLOTH Faithful! Word on the branch is that the smoke from our forest fires has caught the attention of some big exchanges. This we can neither confirm nor deny, but it’s probably, maybe, definitely true. Stay faithful slovenly followers, for soon, Lambos will be ours.

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