新的加密货币今天发布、上市和预售-ZeroLend、PhoenixBNB、Synthetix Network、三协议代币

时间:2024-09-22 编辑: 浏览:(41)

The cryptocurrency capital investment eclipsed the billion figure to reach a significant milestone for the industry. This advance speaks to the continuing trust of the investors in the space with fluctuations of the markets and regulatory changes. The influx of capital into crypto projects, startups, and protocols demonstrates growing confidence in the long-term viability of blockchain technology and digital assets. New Cryptocurrency Releases, Listings & Presales Today Today’s crypto space is buzzing with innovation and opportunities as new tokens like ZeroLend (ZERO), PhoenixBNB (XBNB), Synthetix Network (STX), and Three Protocol Token (THREE) step into the spotlight. Ranging from decentralised lending platforms and NFTs-driven ecosystems to revolutionary DeFi protocols. Each new coin offers a glimpse into the diverse and evolving world of cryptocurrency. Join us as we delve into the details and potential of these groundbreaking initiatives shaping the future of finance and digital commerce. 1. ZeroLend (ZERO) ZeroLend is an open-source liquidity protocol deployed on layer 2 solutions. Aiming to develop a decentralised lending platform with excellent capital efficiency and low interest rates. The ZeroLend platform makes it possible for users to lend and borrow assets, thereby creating non-custodial liquidity markets. Moreover, ZeroLend operates on Ethereum Layer 2s (LRTs). Ensuring faster transactions and lower gas fees compared to the Ethereum mainnet. Additionally, Zero Gravity is a points platform associated with ZeroLend. It aims to distribute ZERO incentives to the community. Furthermore, ZERO serves as both the governance and utility token within the ZeroLend ecosystem.Holders of ZERO are eligible for future ecosystem points and incentives. The protocol emphasises capital efficiency, allowing users to maximise their returns while minimising costs. $ZERO Trading is now live.

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