新的加密货币今日发布、上市和预售-Nim Network、MON Protocol、Mega Dice

时间:2024-09-22 编辑: 浏览:(955)

While Bitcoin is yet to cross the K resistance level, other cryptocurrencies are printing green returns. In light of this, market participants search for low-cost tokens for easy market entries. Specifically, new cryptocurrency releases, listings, and presales present this opportunity. This Analysis compiles these digital assets, including their Features, utilities, and market history. New Cryptocurrency Releases, Listings, and Presales Today Nim Network is poised to transform the fusion of Web3 and AI with its adaptable AI gaming blockchain. MON Protocol, a prominent figure in blockchain gaming, has announced strategic plans to reinforce its standing as a premier publisher of blockchain-centric IPs and games. Mega Dice, a GameFi cryptocurrency venture on Solana, has garnered significant interest, raising over .2 million and nearing the million mark. Meanwhile, cryptocurrency traders closely monitor Ethereum’s ascent towards a new record amid heightened volatility spurred by anticipation surrounding US ETF developments. 1. Nim Network (NIM) Nim Network, an adaptable AI gaming blockchain, aims to revolutionize the intersection of Web3 and AI. It provides an ecosystem dedicated to AI-driven game development and exploration. The platform’s vision encompasses building the largest community of active token holders in the crypto space. Participants engage as users, gamers, AI owners, and data providers. Moreover, the economic framework hinges on AI ownership, empowering the community to own and profit from specific AI models collectively. Furthermore, Nim Network strives to become a central hub for AI innovation and a primary funding source for open-source AI projects. This initiative seeks to attract talent on a large scale, with support from ecosystem partners and the community. Moreover, the project offers AI Gaming Coalition, which employs a unique approach to Web3 game development by leveraging AI to create immersive worlds, dynamic characters, and engaging dialogues. Rather than solely focusing on transaction speeds (TPS), the coalition collaborates with leading game developers and infrastructure players. In doing so, it utilizes advanced crypto AI technology continually enhanced by open-source contributions. Nim also envisions AI agents powered by Large Language Models (LLMs) and Machine Learning (ML) models as universal interfaces for blockchains. These agents, trained on extensive datasets, can autonomously perform tasks, acting as sophisticated digital assistants for users. Announcing the first community-owned AI yield sale: – Four communities ($NIM Stakers, holders of $PEPE, $WLD, and Tether) will be eligible to participate in the yield sale. – $NIM stakers will be eligible for a boosted allocation. – Snapshot is scheduled for this month.

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