Worldcoin Refutes Insider Trading Claims

时间:2024-09-20 编辑: 浏览:(532)

Worldcoin has denied allegations of insider trading. Earlier this week, we reported suspicion of individuals from the team engaged in insider trading.

As DefiSquared explained, "It appears likely (but not proven) that someone from the team or VCs used insider information to frontrun buying the news before it was even publicly announced."

Worldcoin realistically might become the greatest transfer of wealth of this entire cycle. Unfortunately, this wealth transfer isn't in the form of universal basic income as their mission suggests, but instead to the pockets of the team and insiders. I’ve posted a bit on it… — DeFi^2 (@DefiSquared) May 13, 2024

A Worldcoin spokesperson has since told Cointelegraph that the firm has "zero tolerance" for insider trading.

“The Worldcoin Foundation and contributor Tools for Humanity take any allegation of insider trading, even if unfounded and unsubstantiated, seriously and would have zero tolerance for such activity if it were to occur,” the spokesperson said.

The spokesperson further stated that neither organization has found any evidence to support the claims of insider trading or price manipulation. Worldcoin adheres to a strict market integrity policy designed to prevent such activities, the spokesperson emphasized.

Additionally, the spokesperson explained that individuals covered by their policies are always prohibited from disclosing confidential information relevant to WLD purchasing decisions. During the relevant periods, these individuals were subject to an active blackout period, which barred them from engaging in any WLD trading activities.

Since the token unlock, most of the gains have been wiped out, and WLD is now trading at the same price as it was before the announcement.

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