
时间:2024-10-02 编辑: 浏览:(53)


The analyst 建议 that Chainlink has awakened from a crucial support area. This indicates that the low is likely in and that a continuation of the upward trend is expected. Van de Poppe goes on to state that he wouldn’t be surprised to see a 150-300% price increase.

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链链在过去的几个星期中取得了显著增长. LINK在过去的24小时中目前交易量上升了6.2%和过去的30天中增长了26.1%.

Cryptocurrency experts at 变化 have also weighed in on Chainlink’s future price trajectory, providing their forecast for the LINK price in June 2024. According to their analysis, the minimum trading cost for LINK in June 2024 might be .84, while the maximum could reach .88. On average, the experts expect the value of Chainlink to be around .86 during this period.

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