现在投资的6个最佳Altcoins 5月14日-Jito,Akash Network,Unus Sed Leo,Jupiter

时间:2024-09-21 编辑: 浏览:(452)

The cryptocurrency market is still bumpy after the Bitcoin halving, with some coins struggling to bounce back. Bitcoin (BTC) is inching closer to ,000, hoping to find support for its next big move. Investors need to stay alert during this consolidation phase as it could be a chance to catch a ride on a rising trend. Institutional investors are now paying more attention to interoperability and tokenizing real-world assets. Prices of these assets are climbing, even before the market fully takes off. The objective is to identify the best altcoins investors can invest in. 6 Best Altcoin to Invest in Now Chiliz is experiencing an upward trend in the short term, trading over 550% above its launch price. The token also trades 10% higher than the 30-day value at {内容}.1148. Meanwhile, AKT’s impressive 9% surge in seven days signals a distinct shift in investor sentiment toward the token Furthermore, Solana’s recent blockchain ventures are gaining notice. Among them is Mega Dice (DICE), a gaming and gambling token swiftly gaining popularity since its presale commenced. Mega Dice has raised over 0,000, indicating significant interest in this novel concept. 1. Jito (JTO) Jito’s team has announced the development of the “Eigen Layer of Solana” project. The project aims to replicate the success of the Eigen project’s layer solutions. If Jito’s team can successfully launch the project, it could generate similar excitement and attention, which saw the token’s price go on an insane rally. Meanwhile, last week, the token recently emerged as the top DeFi protocol on the Solana network. It closed the week with a total volume locked (TVL) of .04 billion. This considerable upswing incited a significant explosion in the Jito token price, which rose by 8.5% during the week. Nevertheless, the restaking protocol has yet to gain notable traction. Also, Jito’s recent airdrop has no significant impact on its short-term performance. Over the last 30 days, Jito’s token has seen 17 days of positive price movement, reflecting robust momentum and attraction. The climb to 20M $SOL continues. Up and to the right infinitely pic.twitter.com/PASGXHHOgs — Jito (@jito_sol) May 10, 2024 The token is trading at .75, indicating a 20.89% increase over the last month and a 130% YTD uptick. Market sentiment toward Jito’s price prediction remains bullish, aligned with a Fear & Greed Index score of 68 (Greed). Moreover, the token boasts high liquidity, as evidenced by its market capitalization. 2. Jupiter (JUP) Jupiter allows users to swap any token and cclAsset easily. The flexibility and accessibility of this function within the platform enhance its adoption. This integration also streamlines swapping several assets, making it more convenient and cost-effective for Jupiter users. Furthermore, Jupiter provides essential liquidity infrastructure for the Solana ecosystem. The token has seen a significant rise in its price amid a bullish market for altcoins. Over the past month, it has experienced a 5.45% increase, bringing its market capitalization to .53 billion. This surge in value has positioned JUP’s price at .07, with a trading volume of 2.67 million over the last 24 hours. Meanwhile, the token recently announced an integration with Clone. This collaboration enables users to trade non-native assets on the Solana Blockchain. Tokens such as DOGE, ARB, and OP can be effortlessly traded with minimal fees without bridging these assets. Analysts are bullish on Jupiter’s price prediction, predicting the token’s value to surge as high as if the current upswing trend continues. Similarly, Jupiter’s key hurdle to scale is overtaking its critical resistance level. If the token breaks through this resistance, the price may skyrocket. Today, we are excited to kick off the next round of LFG! Expect to meet the candidates over the next week, and the vote will be on 22nd May! This round comes with a few key changes, with the goal of implementing the lessons learnt from the past votes and community feedback to… — Jupiter

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