
时间:2024-10-02 编辑: 浏览:(796)



截至2024年3月31日的三个月,报告的GAAP普通股股东应占净亏损为每股基本股和稀释股0.04美元。截至2024年3月31日的三个月内,报告的普通股股东应占运营正常化资金(“NFFO”)为每股基本股和稀释股0.30美元。与2023年同期相比,截至2024年3月31日的三个月,同一商店(“SS”)的总投资组合收入增长了7.1%,这主要是由于公司RIDEA运营资产的业绩有所改善。与2023年同期相比,截至2024年3月31日的三个月内,总投资组合同店净营业收入(“NOI”)增长了13.0%,其中老年住房运营物业(“SHOP”)和综合老年健康校园(“ISHC”)的同店NOI增长分别为33.5%和19.9%。处置了公司门诊医疗(“OM”)和SHOP部门约1560万美元的非核心财产。以约9450万美元的价格收购了俄勒冈州的14处房地产投资组合,该投资组合由Compass Senior Living在RIDEA结构中管理。完成了6440万股普通股的公开发行,公开发行价格为每股12.00美元,并在纽约证券交易所(“NYSE”)以“AHR”符号上市。偿还了约7.215亿美元的未偿债务,加权平均利率约为7.5%,大大提高了杠杆率指标,并为公司提供了额外的借贷能力和灵活性。

公司总裁兼首席执行官Danny Prosky表示:“在2月份完成发行和上市活动后,我们的主要重点是在房地产领域实现强劲的运营业绩。今年开局良好,因为由于老年住房行业的供需失衡,我们在RIDEA运营的资产中实现了巨大的增长。我们的资产处于良好的位置,配备了适当的人员,可以利用进一步的短期需求顺风,我们相信这将推动更多的入住率增长和速度增长。”。



该公司首席运营官Gabe Willhite表示:“我们亲力亲为的积极资产管理方法正在证明其优点,我们最近收购的俄勒冈州投资组合的出色表现就证明了这一点。在拥有和运营该投资组合仅两个月后,Compass Senior Living作为我们的运营合作伙伴,这些房产的盈利表现得到了显著改善,尽管还处于早期阶段,但仍有超出我们最初预期的趋势。”。




如前所述,2024年2月1日,该公司在俄勒冈州收购了一个老年住房投资组合,包括14处房产的856张床位。总对价包括约9450万美元的假定债务,加上结算费用,反映出每张床的价格约为110000美元。假设债务的固定利率为4.54%,于2028年1月1日到期。该投资组合由Compass Senior Living通过RIDEA结构进行管理。该公司与Compass Senior Living有着长期的合作关系,是其三层租赁物业部门的租户,并认识到运营商在新冠肺炎疫情期间的实力。该管理协议是公司与Compass Senior Living的第一个RIDEA结构,扩大了公司的高质量运营商关系。


季度末后,通过公司的Trilogy REIT Holdings投资,公司赎回了Trilogy管理层成员和Trilogy咨询委员会某些成员在Trilogy的所有剩余股权。因此,截至2024年4月15日,该公司拥有Trilogy 76%的股份。如前所述,公司还可以选择以预定价格购买合资伙伴在2025年9月30日之前持有的Trilogy剩余24%的股份。




该公司首席财务官Brian Peay表示:“利用2月份公开募股的收益,我们能够偿还浮动利率债务,使我们的净债务与调整后息税折旧摊销前利润的比率在第一季度末降至6.4倍。我们相信,我们之前宣布的今年剩余时间标准化FFO和同店投资组合指导中的有机收益增长应该会进一步提高我们的杠杆率。”。













公司报告的业绩是根据公认会计准则编制的。公司还披露了以下非GAAP财务指标:NAREIT FFO、NFFO、NOI、同店NOI、EBITDA和调整后EBITDA。公司认为,这些非GAAP财务指标是衡量其经营业绩的有用补充指标,投资者和分析师可以使用这些指标来比较公司不同时期的经营业绩,并在一致的基础上与其他REITs或公司进行比较,而无需考虑意外和/或无法计算的项目造成的差异。本文中使用的非公认会计原则财务指标的定义以及根据公认会计原则计算的最直接可比财务指标的对账可以在本财报末尾找到。




Adjusted EBITDA: EBITDA excluding the impact of stock-based compensation expense, acquisition and pursuit costs, gain (loss) on sales of real estate, unrealized foreign currency gain (loss), change in fair value of financial instruments, impairment of real estate assets, lease termination revenue, non-recurring items, and adjusted for non-controlling interest. Cash NOI: NOI excluding the impact of, without duplication, (1) non-cash items such as straight-line rent and the amortization of lease intangibles, (2) third-party facility rent payments and (3) other items set forth in the Cash NOI reconciliation included herein. Both Cash NOI and Same-Store NOI include ownership and other adjustments. EBITDA: A non-GAAP financial measure that is defined as earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. GAAP revenue: Revenue recognized in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP"), which includes straight line rent and other non-cash adjustments. ISHC: Integrated senior health campuses include a range of senior care, including independent living, assisted living, memory care, skilled nursing services and certain ancillary businesses. Integrated senior health campuses are predominantly operated utilizing a RIDEA structure. NAREIT FFO or FFO: Funds from operations attributable to controlling interest; a non-GAAP financial measure, consistent with the standards established by the White Paper on FFO approved by the Board of Governors of NAREIT (the "White Paper"). The White Paper defines FFO as net income (loss) computed in accordance with GAAP, excluding gains or losses from sales of certain real estate assets, gains or losses upon consolidation of a previously held equity interest, and impairment write-downs of certain real estate assets and investments, plus depreciation and amortization related to real estate, after adjustments for unconsolidated partnerships and joint ventures. While impairment charges are excluded from the calculation of FFO as described above, investors are cautioned that impairments are based on estimated future undiscounted cash flows. Adjustments for unconsolidated partnerships and joint ventures are calculated to reflect FFO. Net Debt: Total long-term debt, excluding operating lease liabilities, less cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash pertaining to debt. NOI: Net operating income; a non-GAAP financial measure that is defined as net income (loss), computed in accordance with GAAP, generated from properties before general and administrative expenses, business acquisition expenses, depreciation and amortization, interest expense, gain or loss on dispositions, impairment of real estate investments, impairment of goodwill, income or loss from unconsolidated entities, gain on re-measurement of previously held equity interest, foreign currency gain or loss, other income and income tax benefit or expense. Non-Core Properties: Assets that have been deemed not essential to generating future economic benefit or value to our day-to-day operations and/or are projected to be sold. Normalized FFO attributable to controlling interest or NFFO: FFO further adjusted for the following items included in the determination of GAAP net income (loss): expensed acquisition fees and costs, which we refer to as business acquisition expenses; amounts relating to changes in deferred rent and amortization of above and below-market leases (which are adjusted in order to reflect such payments from a GAAP accrual basis); the non-cash impact of changes to our equity instruments; non-cash or non-recurring income or expense; the noncash effect of income tax benefits or expenses; capitalized interest; impairment of goodwill; amortization of closing costs on debt investments; mark-to-market adjustments included in net income (loss); gains or losses included in net income (loss) from the extinguishment or sale of debt, hedges, foreign exchange, derivatives or securities holdings where trading of such holdings is not a fundamental attribute of the business plan; after adjustments for consolidated and unconsolidated partnerships and joint ventures, with such adjustments calculated to reflect Normalized FFO on the same basis. Occupancy: With respect to OM, the percentage of total rentable square feet leased and occupied, including month-to-month leases, as of the date reported. With respect to all other property types, occupancy represents average quarterly operating occupancy based on the most recent quarter of available data. The Company uses unaudited, periodic financial information provided solely by tenants to calculate occupancy and has not independently verified the information. Occupancy metrics are reflected at our Pro-Rata share. Outpatient Medical or OM: Outpatient Medical buildings. Pro-Rata: As of March 31, 2024, we owned and/or operated our 126 integrated senior health campuses through entities of which we owned 75.4% of the ownership interests and eight other buildings through entities of which we owned 90.0% to 98.0% of the ownership interests. Because we have a controlling interest in these entities, these entities and the properties these entities own are consolidated in our financial statements in accordance with GAAP. However, while such properties are presented in our financial statements on a consolidated basis, we are only entitled to our Pro-Rata share of the net cash flows generated by such properties. As a result, we have presented certain property information herein based on our Pro-Rata ownership interest in these entities and the properties these entities own, as of the applicable date, and not on a consolidated basis. In such instances, information is noted as being presented on a "Pro-Rata share" basis. RIDEA: Used to describe properties within the portfolio that utilize the RIDEA structure as described in "RIDEA structure". RIDEA structure: A structure permitted by the REIT Investment Diversification and Empowerment Act of 2007, pursuant to which we lease certain healthcare real estate properties to a wholly-owned taxable REIT subsidiary ("TRS"), which in turn contracts with an eligible independent contractor ("EIK") to operate such properties for a fee. Under this structure, the EIK receives management fees, and the TRS receives revenue from the operation of the healthcare real estate properties and retains, as profit, any revenue remaining after payment of expenses (including intercompany rent paid to us and any taxes at the TRS level) necessary to operate the property. Through the RIDEA structure, in addition to receiving rental revenue from the TRS, we retain any after-tax profit from the operation of the healthcare real estate properties and benefit from any improved operational performance while bearing the risk of any decline in operating performance at the properties. Same-Store or SS: Properties owned and consolidated the full period in both comparison periods and that are not otherwise excluded. Properties are excluded from Same-Store if they are: (1) sold, classified as held for sale or properties whose operations were classified as discontinued operations in accordance with GAAP; (2) impacted by materially disruptive events, such as flood or fire for an extensive period of time; or (3) scheduled to undergo or currently undergoing major expansions/renovations or business model transitions or have transitioned business models after the start of the prior comparison period. Same-Store NOI or SS NOI: Cash NOI for our Same-Store properties. Same-Store NOI is used to evaluate the operating performance of our properties using a consistent population which controls for changes in the composition of our portfolio. Both Cash NOI and Same-Store NOI include ownership and other adjustments. SHOP: Senior housing operating properties. Square Feet or Sq. Ft.: Net rentable square feet calculated utilizing Building Owners and Managers Association measurement standards. Total Debt: The principal balances of the Company's revolving credit facility, term loans and secured indebtedness as reported in the Company's consolidated financial statements. Trilogy: Trilogy Investors, LLC; one of our consolidated joint ventures, in which we indirectly owned a 75.4% interest as of March 31, 2024. Trilogy REIT Holdings: Trilogy REIT Holdings, LLC; the joint venture between the Company and NorthStar Healthcare Income, Inc. that owns the interest in Trilogy or Trilogy Investors, LLC. Triple-net leased: A lease where the tenant is responsible for making rent payments, maintaining the leased property and paying property taxes and other expenses.

联系人:Alan Peterson电子邮件:〔Email protected〕


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