
时间:2024-09-20 编辑: 浏览:(680)

证券交易委员会对债券箱的诉讼已经结束,因为联邦法院昨天 (星期二) 无偏见驳回了案件.


根据法院的裁决, 美国监管机构必须向作为债务箱的数字许可公司支付100万美元,

Meanwhile, prop trading firm My Forex Funds is also seeking 对商品期货交易委员会进行制裁命令 (CFTC).


In an earlier order in March, the court acknowledged the 美国证券交易委员会对债务箱采取不当行动. The court even highlighted that the regulatory actions were in “bad faith” and a “gross abuse of power.”

美国证券交易委员会去年起诉了Debt Box,指控欺诈,并获得对该公司的临时资产结和限制令.监管机构指控加密货币公司正在出售加密货币挖矿许可证,但实际上正在使用算法创建代币.



The decision in the SEC's case against Debt Box might also impact another case: the 美国证券交易委员会actions against My Forex Funds.

Last August, the CFTC sued the two entities operating the 我的外汇基金 brand and their CEO, Murtaza Kazmi, alleging fraud. The regulator even obtained a temporary restraining order, freezing the companies' assets and Kazmi's personal assets.

However, the defence lawyers argued that the regulator obtained the temporary restraining order by mischaracterising tax payments, leading to the unfreezing of most of Kazmi's assets. Later, legal representatives of My Forex Funds found that the regulator 故意误解税款的性质 and also lied in court.


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