
时间:2024-10-03 编辑: 浏览:(175)

美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 在批准比特币类似产品后四个月,向第一波现场以太坊交易所交易基金 (ETF) 发出绿色信号.

According to the latest Bitfinex Alpha 报告, the crypto market’s reaction to the event was akin to a rollercoaster due to the incidents surrounding the approval. Both bitcoin (BTC) and ether (ETH) experienced significant volatility and sudden price movements as anticipation for the SEC’s decision intensified.


Last week began with market analysts 增加 the odds of the approvals from 25% to 75%. The sudden change in sentiment was reflected in key metrics like the Bitcoin Volmex Implied Volatility Index (BVIV), the Ethereum Volmex Implied Volatility Index (EVIV), and the volatility risk premiums (VRPs) for the crypto assets.





When the SEC finally 批准 the Ethereum ETFs on May 23, the BVIV and EVIV dropped from 64 and 85.5 to 52.5 and 69.5, respectively, within hours. The VRPs for Bitcoin and Ethereum were not left out, as they also slumped to 7 and 18.

The change in market sentiment was accompanied by a 减少 in the prices of BTC and ETH, which had rallied to ,000 and ,900, respectively, before the approval due to 活动 in the perpetual futures market. After the initial excitement of the SEC’s decision, investors began to realize their profits, which dragged the prices of the cryptocurrencies even lower.

At the time of writing, 证券 and were trading at ,000 and ,871 after falling by 1% in the past 24 hours.

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