
时间:2024-10-02 编辑: 浏览:(966)

On Wednesday, Bitcoin and the stock market surged, driven by a report showing a slight easing in April’s consumer price index. BTC climbed 7% to ,124.59, its best performance since March 25, surpassing its 50-day moving average. This surge mirrors a broader trend, with 94% of cryptocurrencies gaining value in the last 24 hours. As the saying goes, when the conductor rises, the orchestra follows suit. Before making investments, it’s crucial to scrutinize the winning tokens. Therefore, this article discusses the top gainers in the market, equipping you with the knowledge to make informed decisions. Biggest Crypto Gainers Today – Top List Four dynamic tokens have catapulted to the forefront of the crypto market as top gainers within the last 24 hours. Raydium shines with an impressive 18.19% surge, renowned for its lightning-fast, cost-effective transactions on Solana. Jito boasts a 17.22% increase, fueling user empowerment through staking rewards and governance influence within the Solana ecosystem. Sei rides the wave with a surge of 16.96%, propelled by recent upgrades and surging investor interest. Lastly, Chromiashowcases a robust surge of 16.58%, harnessing its modular blockchain platform for decentralized applications. Continue reading below for more detailed insights into each coin’s Features and price movement. 1. Raydium (RAY) Raydium is an Automated Market Maker (AMM) and liquidity provider on the Solana blockchain designed to support the Serum DEX. It offers on-chain liquidity through a central limit order book, giving liquidity providers access to Serum’s order flow and liquidity. Its ecosystem includes farming, swapping, and liquidity protocols. The project’s farms incentivize LPs and allow them to earn tokens. The swap feature uses Serum for fast token exchanges. Raydium’s liquidity pools enable users worldwide to add assets and provide liquidity. Raydium stands out for its fast, low-cost transactions, leveraging Solana’s blockchain to avoid high gas fees. Users benefit from the full order flow and liquidity of Serum’s ecosystem. The trading interface offers enhanced control over transactions. RAY, the native utility token, is used to stake and earn protocol fees and receive IDO allocations and governance votes. Furthermore, Raydium also facilitates new partnerships for launching projects. Incentives are live on the $KMNO – $SOL Vault In collaboration with @RaydiumProtocol, the vault receives 12,000 $RAY rewards throughout May! pic.twitter.com/3073Yqvful — Kamino (@KaminoFinance) May 6, 2024 The current price of RAY is .783973, up 18.19% in the last 24 hours. Interestingly, the price has surged by 848% over the past year. It is trading 508.79% above its 200-day SMA of {内容}.295563, and the 14-day RSI of 72.78 indicates the cryptocurrency is overbought. The 30-day volatility is 6%, and the volume to market cap ratio is 0.0490, indicating high liquidity. This suggests caution for investors, as RAY’s significant growth and overbought status indicate a potential for a price correction. 2. Jito (JTO) Jito plays a pivotal role within the Solana ecosystem, primarily through its JitoSOL liquid staking pool and suite of Maximum Extractable Value (MEV) products. Users engage with Jito by swapping their SOL for JitoSOL. This preserves SOL’s liquidity and DeFi opportunities. Users also earn staking rewards and a share of transaction revenue from MEV extraction. JTO serves as the governance token empowering holders to shape the trajectory of the Jito Network. Through JTO, token holders wield influence over critical decisions. These decisions include fee structures for the JitoSOL stake pool, updating delegation strategies within the StakeNet programs, managing the treasury, and contributing to developing Jito’s protocols and products. This governance mechanism aligns the project’s evolution with the needs of its user base and the broader Solana ecosystem. We have launched a new JitoSOL vault! JitoSOL is a liquid stake pool token enabled by the Jito Stake Pool, earning a combination of staking rewards and MEV rewards while providing holders with liquidity. pic.twitter.com/bWvkBoxNWM — Sandglass ⧖ (@sandglass_so) May 14, 2024 Recent market performance reflects Jito’s growing prominence. Jito is priced at .64, marking a 17.22% surge over the past 24 hours. Over the preceding 30-day period, the price witnessed gains on 16 occasions, accounting for 53% of trading days. Despite fluctuations, volatility remains below 30%, currently resting at 12%. With a 0.9025 volume-to-market cap ratio, Jito demonstrates ample liquidity, supported by its 4.96 million market cap and 9.89 million 24-hour trading volume. Hence, this data suggests growing investor interest in Jito. 3. Dogeverse (DOGEVERSE) Dogeverse is a pioneering token traversing multiple blockchains, providing a significant advantage to its expanding user base. It liberates itself from reliance on a single blockchain, facilitating lightning-fast and seamless cross-chain transactions. Currently operational on six major blockchains, including Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Base, and most recently, Solana. Each blockchain within Dogeverse’s network contributes unique strengths. The project began on Ethereum, leveraging its wide adoption and security for expansion. Ethereum ensures smooth inter-chain transitions, which is crucial for Dogeverse’s expansion. Meanwhile, BNB Chain boasts low fees, Polygon offers scalability, and Avalanche guarantees rapid transactions. Additionally, Base prioritizes privacy, and Solana combines performance with cost-effectiveness. This multichain strategy showcases Dogeverse’s commitment to innovation. Why limit to one when you can have it all? $DOGEVERSE begins on the secure #Ethereum network, ensuring robust security and reliability.

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