
时间:2024-09-30 编辑: 浏览:(837)

Zedx is a decentralized EVM-compatible blockchain powering the Zedx platform and ecosystem, supporting Ethereum smart contracts. Digitaliga integrates blockchain technology and DeFi in digital sports platforms for clubs to generate sustainable revenue. Houdini Swap facilitates private cryptocurrency transactions while concealing wallet addresses for anonymity. WienerAI combines dog meme culture with artificial intelligence as a zero-commission trading platform.

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  • 1 2022AST币发行量是多少,有什么价值AST币发行总量流通总量

    【AST coin的英文全称是AirSwap,是一个点对点去中心化的ERC20令牌交易平台。AST币作为平台的代币,通过Index和Oracle两种机制帮助平台提高代币的交易效率。Index的作用是让平台用户发现对方的意愿,而Oracle的作用是提供详细的报价信息,帮助双方更好的谈判。很多投资者对AST币感兴趣,但对AST币的基本信息不太了解,甚至不知道AST币的发行量是多少?接下来让椰网边肖介绍