
时间:2024-09-24 编辑: 浏览:(971)

Coin Introduction

CVXFXS is a decentralized finance (DeFi) project on the Fantom network. It is a fork of Curve Finance, a popular platform that allows users to trade stablecoins with low slippage. The CVXFXS token is the native governance token of the platform.

All-time High Price

The all-time high (ATH) price of CVXFXS occurred on October 4th, 2021 when the token reached a price of ,292. This was an increase of over 700% from its listing price of .

Price Analysis

CVXFXS has seen many ups and downs in its short lifespan. It was listed on exchanges in July 2021 at a price of . The price increased steadily over the following weeks and reached an ATH of ,292 in early October. However, it fell sharply and quickly to around 0 by November. The price of CVXFXS is highly volatile, and investors should exercise caution when investing. The platform has faced some challenges, including a hack in September 2021. However, the team quickly patched the vulnerability and reimbursed affected users.

Future Outlook

Like many other DeFi projects, CVXFXS is still in its early stages. It has a lot of potential, as more users adopt DeFi platforms and seek ways to trade stablecoins with low fees. The team has also promised a number of new features and updates, including the launch of a new platform called CVXFi. However, investors should also be aware of the risks of investing in a new and largely untested project. The DeFi space is highly competitive, and many similar projects are vying for users' attention and investment.


CVXFXS is a DeFi project on the Fantom network that allows users to trade stablecoins with low slippage. The all-time high price of the token was ,292, which occurred in October 2021. The price of the token is highly volatile and investors should exercise caution. Despite its challenges, CVXFXS has a lot of potential in the growing DeFi space. For real-time coin information and the latest news, download the CoinJie app today!

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