
时间:2024-09-26 编辑: 浏览:(774)

Bitfarms (BITF) has rejected a billion acquisition proposal from rival 暴动平台 but that hasn't stopped the Bitcoin miner from buying a stake.

Riot Platforms had 计划的 to buy all of Bitfarms' outstanding shares at .30 each, marking a 24% premium on the one-month weighted average per share. In total, the deal was valued at 0 million.

The move comes after Bitcoin 开火 CEO Geoffrey Morphy earlier this month following his lawsuit against the firm in which he claimed million in damages for breach of contract.

公司的执行董事长Benjamin Yi表示, 这将使该公司成为最大的比特币矿工.


然而,Bitfarm董事会拒绝了交易. "我们很失望地听到Bitfarms董事会拒绝了我们的引人注目的提案,而没有与我们进行实质性对话",Yi表示.





In its most recent收入announcement, Riot's net income came in at a record 1.8 million, marking a 1,000% increase from the same time last year.

Mining revenue also jumped 55.4% year on year due to Bitcoin's 131% increase in price. However, Riot's total revenue of .3 million fell 14% short of估计.

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