
时间:2024-10-02 编辑: 浏览:(170)

近日EBAN Token正受到圈內熱捧,這是由Scarlet Labs實驗室繼成功打造Tantalum平臺之後推出的迭代項目,值得一提的是,以太坊創團隊Vitalik Buterin等也深度參與了該項目的研發。 據悉,EBAN早期將以創新底層科技與商業邏輯重點打造兼具生態保值與投資價值的基礎Token,並以此為基礎,打造基於VSA、VSR、VST為覈心的VS生態系統。


作為VS生態三駕馬車之一的VSA智能,以AI架構智能合約的嗅覺科技,可為用戶更加全面而精准的捕捉投資時機,並在用戶的許可下在多個平臺進行自動套利,這或將成為新圈民更加理想的輔利工具。 同時VS生態還將構建以實物交易與項目孵化等功能於一體的VSR商區,值的一提的是,VSR商區將作為擔保身份為用戶提供更加貼心的權益保障,以一種公約機制約束用戶間的行為,這或將為區塊鏈的應用拓寬思路。 另外,VS生態的自主公鏈VST也將於年底主網上線,用以承載整個VS生態的運行。 而EBAN則作為VS生態的紐帶不可或缺,將成為生態的基礎Token,以將用戶行為約定在生態規則之內,這將為VS生態創造無限的想像空間。

據悉,EBAN現時已開啟少額空投,並接受節點申請,預計於2024年6月上架交易所。 隨著EBAN用戶的激增,也將快速推動VS生態板塊的主網步伐,讓我們共同期待VS生態帶給我們的全新體驗。  

An interpretation of the VS ecology of EBAN in an article  

Recently, EBAN Token has been gaining popularity in the industry. This is an iterative project launched by Scarlet Labs after successfully building the Tantalum platform. It is worth mentioning that the Ethereum creation team, Vitalik Buterin, and others, have also been deeply involved in the development of this project. It is reported that, In the early stages, EBAN will focus on innovating underlying technology and business logic to create a foundation token that combines ecological preservation and investment value, and based on this, create VSA based tokens A VS ecosystem with VSR and VST as its core.

As one of the three driving forces of the VS ecosystem, VSA Intelligence, with its AI based smart contract technology, can capture investment opportunities more comprehensively and accurately for users, and automatically arbitrage on multiple platforms with user permission. This may become a more ideal auxiliary tool for new communities. At the same time, the VS ecosystem will also build a VSR commercial area that integrates physical trading and project incubation functions. It is worth mentioning that, The VSR business district will serve as a guarantee to provide users with more considerate rights protection, and use a convention mechanism to constrain the behavior between users, which may broaden the thinking for the application of blockchain. Additionally, The independent public chain VST of VS ecosystem will also be launched on the main network by the end of the year to carry the operation of the entire VS ecosystem. EBAN, as an indispensable link in the VS ecosystem, will become the foundation token of the ecosystem, to regulate user behavior within ecological rules, creating infinite imaginative space for the VS ecosystem.

It is reported that, EBAN has started a small airdrop and is accepting node applications. It is expected to be listed on the exchange in June 2024. With the surge in EBAN users, it will also quickly drive the pace of the main network of the VS ecosystem, allowing us to jointly look forward to the new experience that the VS ecosystem will bring us.

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