新的加密货币今日发布、上市和预售-Anzen USDz、Sealana、BladeSwap

时间:2024-09-30 编辑: 浏览:(157)

The much-anticipated SEC decision has caused the market to experience price movements. The market is buzzing with activity as investors eagerly await the decision on the launch of the first wave of spot Ethereum ETFs. Anticipating a positive outcome, they are poised to capitalize on the expected bullish trend in cryptocurrencies. Consequently, the market is flooded with new cryptocurrency releases, listings, and presales. This article offers a list of such tokens, examining their unique Features, utilities, and prospects in the market. New Cryptocurrency Releases, Listings, and Presales Today Anzen has unveiled USDz, a novel digital token backed by a diverse array of private credit assets. Meanwhile, despite experiencing an 11% intraday decline, SLOTH continues to attract speculative investors drawn to its unique theme. Sealana has achieved remarkable success in its presale phase, raising over .3 million. BladeSwap, operating as ‘veDEX,’ stands out among decentralized exchanges (DEX) due to its innovative fee distribution and governance model. Additionally, the Trump campaign has started accepting cryptocurrency donations. 1. Anzen USDz (USDZ) Anzen introduces USDz, a digital token backed by a diversified portfolio of private credit assets. The aim is to provide stability and reduce volatility compared to traditional cryptocurrencies. Anzen secures these assets alongside KYC-compliant investors through rigorous underwriting, ensuring they maintain their value even during cryptocurrency market instability. USDz holders can stake their tokens to obtain sUSDz, thereby earning sustainable rewards and diversifying their portfolios. This staking mechanism shields USDz holders from the price fluctuations common with unbacked crypto tokens. The platform’s approach to sustainable, exogenous yield in DeFi represents a significant opportunity, with Anzen aiming to reach billion in total value locked (TVL), supported by real-world assets. USDz is designed as a Real-World Asset-Backed tokenized dollar intended to be scalable and stable. Users can acquire USDz in permissionless external liquidity pools. Additionally, approved institutional parties from specific jurisdictions can mint and redeem USDz after passing KYC/KYB screening and being whitelisted. USDz’s stability is maintained through its backing by private credit assets, which adhere to strict underwriting criteria and risk controls. The collateral represents on-chain, by permission, secured private credit tokens (SPCT).

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