现在投资的6个最佳Altcoin 5月18日-互联网计算机、Maker、Bonk

时间:2024-09-29 编辑: 浏览:(90)

Stakeholders have started to pay more attention to interoperability and tokenizing real-world assets. The values of these altcoins are surging despite the bearish sentiment of the market. The objective is to identify the best altcoins investors can invest in. With the excitement building for this year’s bull run, investors need to know the significant altcoins poised for gains in the market. This article overviews altcoins gaining popularity in the growing crypto market. These coins have unique Features and the potential to generate massive gains for investors. 6 Best Altcoin to Invest in Now Maker’s holders are structuring their portfolios ahead of a proposed partnership deal. The token displays robust resilience, with the Fear and Greed Index registering 76. Meanwhile, Bonk’s impressive 9% surge in seven days signals a distinct shift in investor sentiment towards the token. Furthermore, Solana’s recent blockchain ventures are gaining notice. Among them is Mega Dice, a gaming and gambling token swiftly gaining popularity since its presale commenced. Mega Dice has raised over million, indicating significant interest in this novel concept. 1. Maker (MKR) Maker has seen notable growth in recent periods, mainly due to strategic moves by its co-founder Rune Christensen. The token’s value surged approximately 20% after Christensen exchanged large quantities of Shiba Inu and Lido DAO tokens for MKR. This move garnered attention and bolstered MKR’s market value within the Ethereum ecosystem and the broader market. Meanwhile, Maker’s current price of ,852.34 reflects a 5.71% increase in the last 24 hours and a 5.88% gain over the past week. Furthermore, Maker’s price surged over the previous year, soaring by an impressive 426%. This performance exceeds 82% of the top 100 crypto assets. The sentiment surrounding Maker’s price prediction is currently neutral, with a Fear & Greed Index at 70, indicating investor sentiment of ‘Greed.’ Moreover, it trades significantly above its 200-day Simple Moving Average (SMA), marking a 59.83% increase. As part of Maker's Endgame Plan, the Lockstake Engine will be introduced as a future initiative designed to significantly incentivize active participation in governance following the launch of the NewGovToken. The Lockstake Engine will allow NewGovToken and MKR holders to lock… pic.twitter.com/I44nsPnK2d — Maker (@MakerDAO) May 17, 2024 Moreover, analysts are optimistic about the token’s future if it establishes strategic partnerships with other projects. Projections indicate that the maximum price of MKR could exceed ,219.23, with an average price of around ,654.96 by the end of 2024. 2. Internet Computer (ICP) Internet Computer has attracted significant interest within the crypto community due to its unique approach to decentralization. Despite recent market challenges, the token has displayed a positive trend, with a 4.07% increase in value over the past day, building on a 12.69% gain over the week. Over six months, ICP has shown remarkable growth, appreciating by 172.78%. The 14-day Relative Strength Index (RSI) is 35.67, indicating a neutral market sentiment and potential sideways trading in the near term. Technically, ICP is undergoing a corrective phase following its recent upward movement. Furthermore, breaking through the immediate resistance level of .84 could signal a return to bullish momentum. ICP is trading 4.61% above its 200-day Simple Moving Average (SMA), which is .52. Imagine, if you will A world where devs can write smart contracts spanning different chains, multichain dapp development is straight forward, & users enjoy an enhanced experience. This is Chain Fusion. Don't miss out on Dieter Sommer's masterclass on Chain Fusion

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