
时间:2024-09-30 编辑: 浏览:(223)


When it comes to the cryptocurrency market, there are numerous digital currencies available for trading. One popular cryptocurrency that has gained attention is BKRW. This article aims to provide information about the issuance price and total supply of BKRW.

Issuance Price

The issuance price of BKRW refers to the initial price at which the cryptocurrency is made available to the public. In the case of BKRW, its issuance price was set at per coin. This means that when the currency was first launched, each BKRW coin could be purchased for .

The issuance price of per BKRW coin was determined based on various factors, including market demand, overall cryptocurrency trends, and the development team's assessment of the currency's value. It is important to note that the issuance price may vary for different cryptocurrencies, with some coins being priced significantly higher or lower than BKRW.

Total Supply

The total supply of BKRW refers to the maximum number of coins that will ever be available in circulation. For BKRW, the total supply is set at 100 million coins. This means that there will never be more than 100 million BKRW coins in existence.

The decision to cap the total supply of BKRW at 100 million coins was made to ensure scarcity and maintain the currency's value. By limiting the supply, it creates a sense of rarity and exclusivity, which can potentially drive up demand and price in the long term.

It is important to note that not all cryptocurrencies have a fixed total supply. Some cryptocurrencies have an unlimited supply, meaning that new coins can be continuously minted or mined. However, in the case of BKRW, the total supply is fixed to maintain stability and value.


In conclusion, BKRW is a cryptocurrency that was initially issued at a price of per coin. The total supply of BKRW is set at 100 million coins, ensuring scarcity and value retention. As with any cryptocurrency, it is essential to conduct thorough research and understand market trends before making any investment decisions.

For the latest news and real-time market updates on various cryptocurrencies, including BKRW, users can check out the CoinJieNet app. Stay informed about the latest developments, monitor coin prices, and make well-informed investment choices with the CoinJieNet app.

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