开通AI前安全领导人Jan Leike加入竞争对手AI创业公司Anthropic

时间:2024-09-25 编辑: 浏览:(431)


Jan Leike, one of the lead safety researchers at OpenAI who resigned from the artificial intelligence company earlier this month, said on Tuesday that he's joined rival 智能化技术 startup Anthropic.

Leike announced his resignation from OpenAI on May 15, days before the company 已解散超级调整组 that he co-led. That team, which formed in 2023, focused on long-term AI risks. OpenAI co-founder Ilya Sutskever announced his departure in a post on X on May 14.

"I'm excited to join @AnthropicAI to continue the superalignment mission," Leike 在X上写. "My new team will work on scalable oversight, weak-to-strong generalization, and automated alignment research."

Anthropic is backed by 亚马逊, which has 承诺高达40亿美元 in funding for a minority stake in the company.


AI safety has gained rapid importance across the tech sector since OpenAI introduced ChatGPT in late 2022, ushering in a boom in generative AI products and investments. Some in the industry have expressed 关注 that companies are moving too quickly in releasing powerful AI products to the public without adequately considering potential societal harm.

OpenAI, which is backed by 微软, 没有说 Tuesday that it created a new safety and security committee led by senior executives, including CEO Sam Altman. The committee will recommend "safety and security decisions for OpenAI projects and operations" to the company's board.

Anthropic, founded in 2021 by siblings Dario Amodei and Daniela Amodei and other ex-OpenAI executives, 推出了其ChatGPT竞争对手Claude 3 in March. In addition to Amazon, the company has received funding from 谷歌, 销售力 and 放大.

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