Pepe价格一周内飙升77%,新款AI Meme Coin预售突破300万美元

时间:2024-09-25 编辑: 浏览:(586)

The Pepe price is up 77% in the past seven days to trade for {内容}.00001683 as of 02:53 a.m. EST. In the past 24 hours, the Pepe price is up 13% on trading volume that surged 47%. It comes amid growing hype as the frog-themed token made three successive peaks, each clearing the previous one. $PEPE made a new ATH 3 times while I was sleeping and it looks like it's just getting started. — Plazma (@Plazma0x) May 27, 2024 Amid the surge, some say PEPE is on course to flip Shiba Inu (SHIB) as the second largest meme coin on market capitalization metrics. There is absolutely nothing that can stop $PEPE from flipping $shib and $doge. It’s inevitable. Live with it. — Z

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