
时间:2024-09-25 编辑: 浏览:(214)

罗宾胡德 (Nasdaq: HOOD) 是一家市值约18亿美元的公司,宣布了首个股票回购计划.根据该计划,它将在未来两到三年内回购价值10亿美元的股票.





股票回购 are common among cash-rich companies. However, such programs are usually limited to established companies, not 11-year-old firms like Robinhood. Robinhood's plan to buy back its shares also points to the fact that the company is coming out of the start-up phase, when young companies burn money to capture market share.



罗宾胡德entered the retail stock brokerage industry in 2013, disrupting the space with its commission-free model. The platform quickly became popular among young traders.

Now, the company is generating a significant portion of its revenue from cryptocurrencies. As 金融大亨 reported earlier, 它从加密货币交易中获得了1.26亿美元 in the first three months of 2024, when its overall revenue reached 8 million, which received a boost from interest income of 4 million.

Meanwhile, Robinhood is also focusing on the expansion of its products and services across borders. It entered the European market last year and recently expanded its services there with 启动加密货币的投资. However, in the US, the company is expecting regulatory enforcement actions due to its crypto offerings.

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