3D MEDICINES-B(01244)于11月29日至12月7日招股 拟发行1635万股

时间:2024-09-21 编辑: 浏览:(367)

3D MEDICINES-B(01244)将于11月29日至12月7日进行招股,拟发行1635万股股票。公司主要从事医药研究和开发领域,致力于开发高端医疗技术和药物。这次招股将帮助公司筹集资金,进一步推动公司的研发项目和业务发展。Investors are invited to participate in the IPO of 3D MEDICINES-B(01244) from November 29th to December 7th, with a planned issuance of 16.35 million shares. The company is primarily engaged in pharmaceutical research and development, focusing on the development of advanced medical technologies and drugs. This IPO will help raise funds for the company to further advance its research projects and business development.

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