当今以太坊链上最流行的加密货币——Arky、Pepe、Kendu Inu

时间:2024-09-20 编辑: 浏览:(662)

Ethereum and Bitcoin remain the dominant blockchains in the crypto ecosystem, with a combined dominance of nearly 70%. However, due to rising gas fees and associated costs, developers are exploring other options. Despite the project’s departure from the Ethereum network, it remains the platform of choice for many crypto projects. The top trending assets in the Ethereum network saw a significant rise in price today. Topping today’s list are Arky, Pepe, and Kendu Inu. This article shares insight into the price action of these tokens and projects their future performance based on current trends. Most Trending Cryptos on Ethereum Chain Today A new learning platform that leverages blockchain technology would likely revolutionize how people learn. While rewarded learning models are common, they are rarely used in cryptocurrency. The 99BTC recently launched its token presale offering, raising about .9 million. The details of the presale offering and the overview of the project are captured in this article. 1. Arky (ARKY) The ARKY community draws inspiration from the pet dog of the popular cryptographer Hal Finney. He is believed to be the potential inventor of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology. However, there is no concrete proof to substantiate the claim. ARKY attracted growing popularity through the name of the computer scientist and his dog, ARKY. As of the time of writing, the project has a market cap of over million and a .2 million trading volume. The project’s growing popularity has brought its holders to 1.84k, according to its DEXTools data page. Etherscan also reports that ARKY has seen an increase of about 1% in holders today. In addition to its growing user base, the project has completed over 32 thousand transactions, confirming active use cases of the platform. While ARKY has received a consistent influx of users, the token’s price has recently declined marginally. However, the overall outlook of the project remains appealing, and degen investors should keep an eye on the project’s trends. Moreover, the project’s growing social media followers and engagement also show that it can post better performance in the future. With only a few days in the market, ARKY’s potential has yet to be fully harnessed, and investors can keep an eye on the project’s unfolding market performance and price action. 2. Pepe (PEPE) Pepe remains one of the best-performing meme crypto coins on the Ethereum chain and the entire crypto market. The project that started as a fun project has risen to a multi-billion dollar startup, outperforming the likes of Bitcoin with its profit potential. Today, the token appears on DEXTool’s top gainers list after it posted over 5% price increase. Pepe’s price action is quite fascinating today, especially as it posts a price increase against the dipping price of Bitcoin. Besides meme culture, Pepe’s trending status also stems from the recent approval of its Perpetual on Bybit. Since the announcement in the previous month, Pepe’s price has remained widely ahead of the overall performance of the crypto market. may the 4th be with you $PEPE ⚡️

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