当今以太坊链上最流行的加密货币——Zydlo AI、Gorilla In A Coupe、Hermes

时间:2024-09-27 编辑: 浏览:(933)

The crypto market is gradually stalling again as the momentum is down after a few days of intense price movement. Investors have seen assets dump by about 10% after a thrilling upward price movement. This price action suggests the market is consolidating and ready to make fresh rounds of remarkable price movement. Investors who wish to capitalize on the next leg of the price action should take stock of the best-performing cryptocurrencies in the market. This article explores the top trending cryptos on the Ethereum chain. The chain is prioritized in today’s post due to its growing influence in the industry. The tokens featured below are performing excellently within the network alone and are equally enlisted as some of the top gainers in the market today. Most Trending Cryptos on Ethereum Chain Along with the top trending cryptos featured in today’s article, the WienerAI presale is an upcoming Crypto presale. The project’s ability to raise over .7 million ahead of its exchange listing makes it a force to reckon with in the industry. Below is a quick insight into the presale offering of the WAI token. 1. Zydlo AI (ZDAI) Zydio AI is making waves in the cryptocurrency world with its innovative approach to artificial intelligence. The company focuses on bridging the gap between humans and machines by developing AI solutions that are easy to use and accessible to everyone. Their mission is to democratize AI technology, ensuring it is intuitive and beneficial for all users. Furthermore, Zydio AI offers several products and services that highlight its commitment to innovation. The AI Voice Assistant can perform tasks based on voice commands, such as setting reminders, checking the weather, or ordering food. In addition, the text-to-speech service converts written text into natural-sounding speech, making information more accessible to consume on the go. Meanwhile, Zydio AI’s token (ZDAI) market performance has been impressive. Today, the price is {内容}.01732, with a 24-hour trading volume of 2,616.31. The token has seen an 81.47% price increase in the last 24 hours and a 106.22% increase over the past week. This growth outpaces the global cryptocurrency market, up 9.80%, and similar Ethereum Ecosystem cryptocurrencies, up 12.70%. With Zydio AI, communication is simplified, interactions are streamlined, and new dimensions are explored in the world of Web3. How to Use the Audio AI Assistant Feature in the Zydio AI Telegram Bot: 1.Start a chat with @ZydioBot. 2.Send audio of your question: Send the… pic.twitter.com/3IWH2bIS7O — ZydioAI (@ZydioAI) May 5, 2024 Furthermore, ZDAI tokens are available for trading on decentralized exchanges. The most popular platform for trading Zydio AI is Uniswap V2 (Ethereum), where the ZDAI/WETH trading pair has seen a 24-hour trading volume of 2,653. This significant activity represents a 337.30% increase from the previous day, indicating a rise in market interest. 2. Gorilla In A Coupe (GIAC) Gorilla In A Coupe ($GIAC) is a meme cryptocurrency that has captured the imagination of the crypto community. Inspired by the whimsical imagery of a gorilla driving a coupe, $GIAC embraces humor and camaraderie. It offers no intrinsic value or promise of returns, serving purely as a token for fun and social engagement. Recently, $GIAC has shown remarkable market performance. The token’s price currently stands at {内容}.084287, with a 24-hour trading volume of 6,383.25. This marks an impressive 89.65% price increase in the last 24 hours and a substantial 116.43% rise over the past seven days. With a circulating supply of 410 trillion GIAC, the token boasts a market cap of ,763,222. $ GIAC’s recent performance is particularly noteworthy, as it is outperforming both the global cryptocurrency market, which is up by 10.10%, and similar Ethereum Ecosystem cryptocurrencies, which have seen a rise of 12.70%. say less$GIAC pic.twitter.com/pCHGdhnQ0V — Gorilla in a coupe (@giac_eth) April 11, 2024 Meanwhile, GIAC tokens can be traded on decentralized and centralized crypto exchanges. Uniswap V2 (Ethereum) is the most popular exchange for trading $GIAC, with the GIAC/WETH pair recording a 24-hour trading volume of 0,594. However, other exchanges where $GIAC is traded include BitMart and MEXC. The recent trading volume of 6,383 represents an 82.40% increase from the previous day, indicating a significant rise in market activity. 3. Hermes (HMX) Hermes DAO is making waves in the crypto world as a decentralized fund for investments in crypto assets, including tokens, coins, and NFTs. Managed by the Hermes DAO Parliament and its community, the fund aims to provide a stable and constant income distributed as passive rewards to HMX liquidity providers and stakers. Consequently, the fund aims to distribute 65% of its profits as rewards while reinvesting the remaining 35% into new ventures. This model ensures continuous growth and income for its participants. The governance platform of Hermes DAO empowers the community, allowing holders with a significant number of HMX tokens to create polls. Voters with tokens above a set minimum enjoy equal voting power, fostering a decentralized decision-making process. Meanwhile, the price of Hermes DAO (HMX) is {内容}.00406, with a 24-hour trading volume of ,475.77. This marks a 26.74% price increase in the last 24 hours and a 58.76% increase over the past seven days. With a circulating supply of 71 million HMX, the market cap stands at 7,126. Hermes DAO is outperforming the global cryptocurrency market, up 9.70%, and similar Ethereum Ecosystem cryptocurrencies, up 12.70%. Furthermore, HMX tokens are actively traded on decentralized exchanges. The 24-hour trading volume shows a significant increase of 379.70% from the previous day, signaling a surge in market activity. This growing interest in Hermes DAO highlights its potential as a promising investment in the rapidly evolving crypto landscape. What Might Be The Next Top Trending Crypto WienerAI project is getting closer to its fund milestone, with over .7 million raised. The unique focus on utility and community influence should interest investors in this project. Usually, crypto projects thrive on the proper combination of these factors, and with Wiener prioritizing these, it’s easy to see the project’s potential. REASONS 1-10: AI TRADING BOT. WIENER DOGS. That is all.

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