
时间:2024-09-24 编辑: 浏览:(95)

微Strategy 发现了另一位模仿者,

据悉,该公司的资产将被购买, 据称,该公司的资产将被购买,



“Bitcoin is now a major asset class with more than trillion of market value,” said Eric Semler, Semler Scientific’s chairman, when 解释 the company’s decision. “We believe it has unique characteristics as a scarce and finite asset that can serve as a reasonable inflation hedge and safe haven amid global instability.”

Semler said the company recognizes Bitcoin as “digital gold” – a moniker afforded to it by numerous famous investors including 黑岩公司首席执行官拉里·芬克. Much like its predecessor, Bitcoin has a limited supply making it a strong store of value, but is much easier to move thanks to being digital.


该公司表示,它将继续运营其利的医疗保健公司,并积极生成和评估其使用余现金的方式.比特币将作为其主要的财政持有, 受市场条件和预期的现金需求的限制.


公司的战略模仿了微战略 (MSTR),该商业智能软件公司于2020年8月开始迅速收购比特币.


Last week, the Tokyo Stock Exchange was forced to 暂停交易 for the stock after it reached its maximum daily price crease limit for two consecutive trading days.

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    什么是碳货币 一国货币成为国际货币甚至关键货币,往往伴随着该国成为国际贸易中心和金融中心的过程。其中,特别值得强调的是,在贸易活动和金融实践中,一国经济活动与能源贸易的结合度是决定该国货币地位的重要因素,包括向世界范围的能源出口或者控制全球范围内最重要能源供给的能力,以及该国是否拥有该能源的国际定价权等。由此,能源绑定往往成为国家崛起和本国货币充当国际货币的助推剂。 比如,英国在成长为世界霸权国家