
时间:2024-09-22 编辑: 浏览:(321)

Bonfire Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Night, is a traditional British commemoration held on November 5th. It is celebrated with bonfires, fireworks, and the burning of an effigy of Guy Fawkes, a member of the Gunpowder Plot that attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605. The event is a fun and exciting evening for families and communities to come together and enjoy the spectacle of fireworks lighting up the night sky. It is a time-honored tradition that has been celebrated for centuries and continues to be a popular event in the UK. Bonfire Night庆祝活动是英国的传统庆典,于每年11月5日举行。活动以篝火、烟花和焚烧盖伊·福克斯(Guy Fawkes)的模型等方式庆祝,盖伊·福克斯曾是1605年试图炸毁议会大厦的火药阴谋的成员之一。这个活动让家庭和社区齐聚一堂,欣赏照亮夜空的烟花,带来欢乐和激动的时刻。Bonfire Night是一个历史悠久的传统,几个世纪以来一直受到人们的欢迎,也是英国热门的年度活动之一。

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