Alphabet(GOOGL.US)涨超3.5% 此前宣布裁员1.2万人

时间:2024-09-21 编辑: 浏览:(164)

Alphabet(GOOGL.US)公布裁员1.2万人的消息后,公司股价却出现了超过3.5%的上涨。这意味着投资者对公司未来业绩的表现充满信心,可能认为裁员措施将帮助提高公司效率和盈利能力。裁员虽然可能对员工造成困扰,但对公司来说可能是必要的改革举措。Investors are optimistic about Alphabet's future performance despite the announcement of laying off 12,000 employees, as the stock price has risen by over 3.5%. This indicates confidence in the company's ability to improve efficiency and profitability through the layoffs. While the layoffs may be troubling for employees, they may be seen as a necessary reform for the company.

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