
时间:2024-09-21 编辑: 浏览:(317)

美国纽约联邦法院于2024年5月28日星期二出席. 子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子子

Ryan Salame, a former top lieutenant of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried, has been sentenced to 90 months, or seven and a half years, in prison, followed by three years of supervised release. Salame has also 已被命令支付 more than million in forfeiture and more than million in restitution.


9月份, Salame pleaded guilty to conspiracy to make unlawful political contributions, defraud the Federal Election Commission, and conspiracy to operate an unlicensed money-transmitting business.

Judge Lewis Kaplan sentenced Sam Bankman-Fried to 25年监禁 in March.


巴哈马律师的一项估计claims Bankman-Fried and Salame spent 6.3 million to buy and maintain 35 properties across New Providence — real estate that Bahamian regulators wanted to retrieve in FTX's U.S. bankruptcy protection proceedings. Meanwhile, 联邦选举委员会数据显示 that Salame gave more than million to Republican candidates and causes in the 2022 election cycle.

瑞安萨拉梅,前FTX数字市场联合首席执行官,在2023年9月7日在纽约市承认两项罪名, 布伦登·麦克德明德.

几天前,FTX在2022年申请破产, Salame went to Bahamian authorities to tell them that the Bankman-Fried may have committed fraud by sending customer money from the crypto exchange to his other firm, Alameda Research. According to a criminal filing, Salame disclosed "possible mishandling of clients' assets" by Bankman-Fried.

It was one of the first public acknowledgments of an insider turning on Bankman-Fried, who was 被判有罪 of stealing more than billion worth of customer cash they believed was safely being stored on the exchange.

Since then, however, 其他一些内部人士, including Alameda's former CEO and SBF's ex-girlfriend, 卡罗琳·埃利森, 富达娱乐平台联合创始人加里王, and FTX's ex-engineering head 尼沙德辛格, all gave testimony for the prosecution that ultimately contributed to his guilty verdict in November. Salame did not take the stand during Bankman-Fried's trial.




— 美国广播公司的丹·曼根也参与了这份报告.

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