
时间:2024-09-27 编辑: 浏览:(300)


MicroStrategy的执行主席Michael Saylor在最近的一篇帖子中强调了这一显著成就,指出这32只现货比特币ETF现在的持有量相当于加密货币的假名创建者中本聪的持有量。


This holding represents about 5% of the total circulating supply of Bitcoin worldwide, valued at approximately .5 billion. Most are concentrated within U.S.-based spot Bitcoin ETFs, which 推出 in January and quickly shattered previous ETF performance records.


32 比特币 Spot ETFs now hold ~1 Nakamoto of $BTC pic.twitter.com/OpHridlymc

— Michael Saylor⚡️ (@saylor) 2024年5月27日

其他著名的美国ETF包括持有161538比特币的Fidelity Wise Origin比特币信托基金(FBTC)、持有48444比特币的Ark 21Shares比特币ETF(ARKB)和持有36185比特币的Bitwise比特币ETF。较小的参与者,如VanEck比特币信托基金(HODL)和Valkyrie BTC ETF(BRRR),也为总储备做出了贡献。

Outside the U.S., Canada’s Purpose Bitcoin ETF leads with 27,110 BTC, followed by Germany’s ETC Group Physical Bitcoin Fund, which holds 21,005 BTC. The recent launch of Bitcoin ETFs in Hong Kong has 补充 3,553 BTC to the global reserve.


Since their January launch, these spot Bitcoin ETFs have generated large trading volumes, surpassing the performance of previously launched exchange-traded funds. With over 4100 million in assets, first-quarter reports 透露 that over 20% of U.S. spot Bitcoin ETF exposure is held by large investors and institutions, including hedge funds, banks, and the state of Wisconsin’s pension fund.

Bitwise CIO Matt Hougan 突出显示 the long-term potential of spot Bitcoin ETFs in a recent interview. “I think long term these could be between one and five percent of the US ETF market, which is a trillion market,” Hougan said. “I think this is a multi-hundred billion dollar addressable market in the US alone.”


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